MC Frontalot

Damian Hess (born December 3, 1973), better known by his stage name MC Frontalot, is a Brooklyn-based hip hop musician and self-proclaimed "world's 579th greatest rapper". He is best known in hip hop and video game culture, for naming the Nerdcore subgenre, and performing at Penny Arcade's annual Penny Arcade Expo. Hess graduated from Wesleyan University in 1996 with degrees in English and electronic music.


Early days

Hess began releasing music as MC Frontalot in 1999. His first successes came through Song Fight!, an online songwriting and recording competition, where he became known for consistently beating opponents. Throughout his history at Song Fight!, he has never lost a competition as MC Frontalot, although he has entered only seven entries in that name. In one such song fight, entitled "Romantic Cheapskate", he likens Song Fight! to a neglected lover who favors him regardless of how he treats her. The song went on to garner a total of 614 votes, while the next closest song ended the round with 28.



The Council Of Loathing

by: Mc Frontalot

After all I've done for the council,
they'd so soon be rid of me.
Give me a million meat I'll only squander it — promise
you —
gambling, angling to shut down my entanglement. Honest
goodness, wish I could quit The Kingdom,
leave it. I'd sing like how you hear some people sing
they're happy about something, hearts bursting open.
But I find that each ascension, I get reborn holding
instead of gripping onto everlasting peace.
Level one and fighting rabbits. Nothing for a feast.
Nothing for the thirst. Armor is wack.
A familiar bar basement, turning off the tap
for the rats. Stocking up on gum and string.
Got a long life ahead, deja vu: what it may bring.
Yet I can't put it down till the crystal breaks,
and by that time I'm an old stick figure, got stakes
in the world as it stands, don't want to leave it,
but I must — because I plague it, as the council would
conceive it.
Nuts to dyin'! I like lingering more.
Just because the councilmembers think the monsters are
a chore
and (just because I draw them into being) reach accord
that I should be banished? Yo I should be adored.
What's more, their monarch's liberty problem persists
if I don't take matters up into my fists,
my instruments and my cooking utensils,
and cease the sorceress's reprehensible dissemblance:
make her show her sausage. Fight it with my wand.
Might sound a little dirty but the creatures like to
And if I adventure at all, I find a few before long.
Barely notice them now, I'm so sneaky and strong.
So the council requests I desist? I'm unwilling.
Take the basement to its bottom 'fore I vanish. Am I
still in
The Kingdom though tempted by plexiglass?
