Famous quotes by Shona Robison:
"I have been concerned for some time that even an outbreak of the usual illnesses could leave the health service struggling."
"What Jack McConnell is saying is not something in itself that you could argue against, but not everyone is in the position to do what he's suggesting. For those who can it is fine, but I think we need to do more than that. We need more home economics teachers to make sure young people have got the basics. That is more practical."
"The increased absence rate may be another symptom of the pressure on workers due to overall staffing shortages, and so this must be sorted out as a matter of urgency."
"I would support a reduction in sickness absence, but the executive must address pressures that force too many people to work too many hours in stressful conditions."
"We would favour complementary therapies being available on the NHS, but they have to have been tested to show they are effective so we need more research."
"There are concerns . . . I think we need to ensure that there is strict monitoring of the drugs budget. We have to have systems to ensure that doctors are not over-prescribing and also the most cost- effective ways of prescribing."
"We must still sort out difficulties with the dental profession and move stalled negotiations forward."
"It is time the managers at NHS Grampian looked at whether the capacity of the unit is sufficient to meet the area that it serves and whether the number of cots are adequate."
"Many barriers have been broken down in female employment but it seems that for whatever reason, when it comes to computing, girls are deciding to stand back."