BAM! A crescendo peaks! Angels shriek when our paths meet. Travelin' the seven sea's again to see if it's worth the leave of absence from absolutely nothing but monotony. A routine that's been played continuously for years of three. Oh so...
BAM! A cacophony! A symphony for the tragedies. Plagued by years of desecrated hopes our tears are shadowing the loss of life, the loss of love, the loss of living life for fun, the joy of getting lost and learning there's truth to being won ooover...
Girl come with me lets learn a new city. Getting lost being found I found out that you can't believe true love was always meant to be in the big cities I'm so lost so...
BAM! You can't be no friend to me cuz' you're in the city. Staying lost but always found by your new friends downtown. Wiping tears, defeating light, losing zeal but finding life. Making music from the dissonant notes of my pain.