The New People's Association, established in April 1906 was a clandestine organization for fostering the independence and national strength of the Korean Empire. The organization was formed by social activists such as Ahn Changho, Shin Chaeho, Park Eunsik, and Lim Chi Jung.
With their belief that the enlightenment can strengthen the national power of Korea to achieve independence, they took in actions on military movement, education, publication, and industrialization. Even after the New People's Association had been dissolved by Governor-General of Korea in 1911, they made a huge contribution to the Korean Independence Movement.
After the Independence Club (독립협회, 獨立協會) was dissolved on December 25, 1898 as Emperor Gojong officially announced a prohibition on congresses held by people, the Empire of Japan made a treaty with the Korean Empire called the Eulsa Treaty which made the Korean Empire become a protectorate of the Empire of Japan. The treaty laid the foundation for the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty of 1907 and subsequent annexation of Korea in 1910. Even though Emperor Sunjong, who is a son of Emperor Gojong, sent a Hague Secret Emissary Affair to expose the unfairness of the treaty in the Hague Convention of 1907, due to the Great Powers, they were ignored.
Drawn to you
There's a face that is yours
Sudden and inevitable
Drawn to you
Oh we'll never know why
No we'll never know why for sure
There was something in the wintertime
Something in the wintertime
Always go
To the house that is loaded
With tales asking to be told
More than love
Make ourselves vulnerable
In the name of evolution
There was something in the wintertime
Something in the wintertime
Now look
What we've done
Shared this life
Our only one
Drawn to you
Cause we cried for our condition
Drawn to you
Still it swept us from under
There was something in the wintertime