Shibtu (reigned c. 1775 BC – c. 1761 BC) was the wife of Zimrilim and queen consort of the ancient city-state of Mari in modern-day Syria. Historian Abraham Malamat described her as "the most prominent of the Mari ladies."
Shibtu was born to the royal family of the kingdom of Yamhad. Her parents were Yarim-Lim I, king of Yamhad, and Gashera, his queen consort. Zimrilim was forced to flee Mari when his father the king, Iakhdunlim, was assassinated in a palace coup and Yasmah-Adad usurped the throne. Zimrilim allied himself with Yarimlim of Yamhad who helped him regain his throne in Mari and their alliance was cemented with the marriage of Zimrilim to Shibtu. Zimrilim and Shibtu's offspring included at least seven daughters. Several of their daughters went on to marry into other royal families from the ancient Near East, including Ibbatum, who married Himidiya, the king of Andarik, and Inib-Sharri who married Ibal-Addu, ruler of Ashlakka.
I have asked my questions about Babylon. That man is plotting many things against this country, but he will not succeed. My Lord will see what the god will do to him. You will capture and overpower him. His days are numbered and he will not live long. My Lord should know!
Feed us, tease us
I've got this power in my genitals
Let me go on for
Tease me, I'll stand high
Attention deficit
Don't pull short of what I'm near
I will tease her
Beautiful, a tease, yea.
Can your dick support your body weight?
Turn round and let me show you what I mean
Yea, yea, ..?
I've played with other girls
But Kinder is my whore
I will tease her
I'm more and more, of yours
And I'll wait, ah-hai
And I'll wait, ah-hai
And I'll wait, ah-hai
Cause I'm not afraid, tease her
You've got the best of me, yeah
Figured out
Cause I'm not afraid, tease her
You've got the best of me, yeah
Figured out
I went, I went to the bottom,
I slip, for me it's you
Oh sweet, as papa's girl should be
Oh shit, what have I found?
I twisted
And my arms hurt
And I took down
Oh yeah to the bottom
Do I scare you?
Well I should be
(Its broken) I bore them
You know youll break in scaredom
You wont fight when your sore
Come on you have to break that change
Youll slip when your sore
Get up, arent your arms still working?
Youll slip when your sore