It is often mistakenly referred to as Muttonbird Island. The island is approximately 130 metres (427ft) off-shore from Muttonbird Beach separated by a channel that has an average depth of 8 metres (26ft) it is regarded as a suitable open-water dive site.
PAWTUCKET – Representatives from OpenDoors Rhode Island pleaded with the City Council to remove a potential major roadblock to a new homeless shelter at the former Memorial Hospital last week ....
JAMESTOWN – There was a time when the skies over Rhode Island were all but absent of waterbirds ... Their presence in the Ocean State today is due in large part to the shelter offered by a smattering of islands in and around Narragansett Bay.
"Affordability on LongIsland is a big issue that is having a huge impact on all families, and quite frankly, if ... Joe Werkmeister covers the towns of Southampton, East Hampton and Shelter Island.
It's not hard to see this dynamic reflected in the saga of Rhode Island's lowest-in-the-nation homebuilding, the saga of Providence's Pallet shelter village or Amtrak's inability to straighten the Northeast Corridor through South County.
The 53-year-old told RNZNight's Maggie Tweedie that sheltering tamariki ...Growing up on MatakanaIsland, Lewis said her parents would often provide shelter for tamariki who ran away over the weekend.
On the heels of SapeloIsland and ShelterCove dock incidents, are Head Island’s docks and gangways safe? Asking that question leads local and state agencies to point fingers at each other ....
The newly elected board led by Terry Maccarrone, 56, of Sayville, ousted the current president and vice presidents by doubling the incumbent’s vote total ...Sign up ... Joe Werkmeister covers the towns of Southampton, East Hampton and ShelterIsland ... Credit.
Since the COVID pandemic, the number of Rhode Islanders living on the streets or in tent encampments has steadily grown, and efforts to open shelters to help them have been met with resistance in every municipality.
Betanzos was delivered safely to a sheltered anchorage in Discovery Bay, GreenwichIsland; her 19 passengers were transferred to the Chilean base on King George Island, 30 nautical miles to the east, for a repatriation flight.
About 30 years ago, my wife and I were visiting John and his wife, Mary, on ShelterIsland, N.Y., where John had spent many summers. (Christine and I were married on Shelter Island.) The house was new, ...
“There are more animal shelters in LongIsland than there are shelters for women and abuse victims,” Wickman added ... Long Island’s new domestic violence push ... violence shelter, closed on March 14.
“There are more animal shelters in LongIsland than there are shelters for women and abuse victims.” 5 ... Long Island, according to the state health department, has some of the lowest rates of domestic violence in the state.
Rhode Island... PROVIDENCE – House Minority LeaderMike Chippendale asked for a breakdown of who and how much was paid to build the EchoVillage pallet shelters for unsheltered Rhode islanders – and Gov.