
The Getae /ˈt/ or /ˈɡt/ or Gets (Ancient Greek: Γέται, singular Γέτης; Bulgarian: Гети; Romanian: Geţi) are names given to several Thracian tribes inhabiting the regions to either side of the Lower Danube, in what is today northern Bulgaria and southern Romania. Both the singular form Get and Getae may be derived from a Greek exonym: the area was the hinterland of Greek colonies on the Black Sea coast, bringing the Getae into contact with the Ancient Greeks from an early date.

Getae and Dacians

Ancient sources

Strabo, one of the first ancient sources to mention Getae and Dacians, stated in his Geographica (ca. 7 BC – 20 AD) that the Dacians lived in the western parts of Dacia, "towards Germania and the sources of the Danube", while Getae in the eastern parts, towards the Black Sea, both south and north of the Danube. The ancient geographer also wrote that the Dacians and Getae spoke the same language, after stating the same about Getae and Thracians.

Pliny the Elder, in his Naturalis Historia (Natural History), ca. 77–79 AD, states something similar: "... though various races have occupied the adjacent shores; at one spot the Getae, by the Romans called Daci...".


Nature, in the broadest sense, is the natural, physical, or material world or universe. "Nature" can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. The study of nature is a large part of science. Although humans are part of nature, human activity is often understood as a separate category from other natural phenomena.

The word nature is derived from the Latin word natura, or "essential qualities, innate disposition", and in ancient times, literally meant "birth".Natura is a Latin translation of the Greek word physis (φύσις), which originally related to the intrinsic characteristics that plants, animals, and other features of the world develop of their own accord. The concept of nature as a whole, the physical universe, is one of several expansions of the original notion; it began with certain core applications of the word φύσις by pre-Socratic philosophers, and has steadily gained currency ever since. This usage continued during the advent of modern scientific method in the last several centuries.

Natural (Orange Range album)

Natural (stylized as ИATURAL) is the third album by the Japanese rock band, Orange Range. The album was officially released on October 12th, 2005 after *: Asterisk, Love Parade, Onegai! Senorita and Kizuna, were released as promotional singles. The song Asterisk was used as the first theme for the Japanese and American versions of the anime show Bleach.


"Natural" is the third album released by the Japanese band Orange Range, and is currently their second highest selling album and longest charted album. The album was released after having four singles recorded and released in various promotions. This album is notable for having every song used in some major promotion by various Japanese television stations.


  • A Wind of Dreams (夢風 Yumekaze)
  • Dreaming Person (夢人 Yuumeijin)
  • Please! Miss (お願い!セニョリータ Onegai! Senyorita)
  • Winter Winner (ウィンタウィンナ Winta Winna)
  • Crazy Band (クレイジーバンド Kureizii Bando)
  • Rain ( Ame)
  • God69 (God rock)
  • Hysteric Taxi (ヒステリックタクシー Hisuterikku Takushii)
  • Natural (Peter Andre album)

    Natural is the second studio album released by the Australian singer-songwriter Peter Andre.


    Following the success of his first album in Australia, Andre was commissioned to record a second album with Melodian. However, Melodian believed that it would be wise to see if he could break the British market as well. Andre signed a joint deal with Melodian and the British record label, Mushroom UK, for his second studio album to be released in both markets. On 1 May 1995, a single, entitled "Turn It Up" was released to both markets, achieving Top 10 success on both countries' singles charts. However, the deal with Mushroom soon came under jeopardy when the label went into administration. Melodian pressed ahead with releases in Australia, releasing "Mysterious Girl" on 1 September 1995.

