Shark Attack 2 is a 2001 direct-to-video horror film based in Wick, Scotland.
Dr. Nick Harris (Thorsten Kaye) is a marine biologist hired to deal with the results of an experiment in genetics, a mutated breed of great white sharks have gotten loose on a South African shoreline whilst being transported to an aquarium. The mutant sharks from Dr. Craven's experiments in Shark Attack are back, this time choosing Cape Town, South Africa as their hunting ground. Two sisters, Amy (Caroline Bruins) and Samantha Peterson (Nikita Ager), while diving near a wreck in the reef are attacked by a shark; Samantha survives. One week later, Dr. Nick Harris and his assistant get the shark and install it as a new attraction at Water World - a Sea World rip-off. When the shark escapes, Nick and Samantha go to hunt it and discover that there are 6 mutant Great Whites living in a cave near the beach, and the Water World's surfing competition might be the next victim! Now they team up with Roy - a Discovery Channel shark hunter - to kill the beasts and save Cape Town. Eventually they succeed in luring the sharks into their cave and blow it up, killing them. Roy is initially believed to have perished but in reality survived.
The term shark attack is used to describe an attack on a human by a shark. Every year around 75 attacks are reported worldwide. Despite their relative rarity, many people fear shark attacks after occasional serial attacks, such as the Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916, and horror fiction and films such as the Jaws series. Out of more than 480 shark species, only three are responsible for a double-digit number of fatal, unprovoked attacks on humans: the great white, tiger, and bull; however, the oceanic whitetip has probably killed many more castaways, not recorded in the statistics.
According to the International Shark Attack File (ISAF), between 1958 and 2014 there were 2,778 confirmed unprovoked shark attacks around the world, of which 497 were fatal.
Although Australia is ranked the second highest in terms of global shark attacks with 664 unprovoked attacks, it is ranked the highest in terms of shark fatalities, with 232 unprovoked fatalities. The highest death rate occurred in Western Australia, which has experienced 11 fatal attacks since 2000. In 2000, there were 79 shark attacks reported worldwide, 11 of them fatal. In 2005 and 2006 this number decreased to 61 and 62 respectively, while the number of fatalities dropped to only four per year. Of these attacks, the majority occurred in the United States (53 in 2000, 40 in 2005, and 39 in 2006).The New York Times reported in July 2008 that there had been only one fatal attack in the previous year. On average, there are 16 shark attacks per year in the United States with one fatality every two years. Despite these reports, however, the actual number of fatal shark attacks worldwide remains uncertain. For the majority of Third World coastal nations, there exists no method of reporting suspected shark attacks; therefore, losses and fatalities at near-shore or sea there often remain unsolved or unpublicized..
Shark Attack is a 1999 television film directed by Bob Misiorowski starring Casper Van Dien, Jenny McShane and Ernie Hudson.
In a once tranquil African fishing village, a marine biologist searches for answers when his friend becomes a victim in a series of brutal shark attacks.
The film was panned by critics and Rotten Tomatoes gave the film a cumulative score of 0%.
Two direct-to-video sequels followed Shark Attack. Shark Attack 2 was released in 2001, Shark Attack 3: Megalodon was released in 2002. Shark Attack 2 briefly mentions the events of the first film while Shark Attack 3: Megalodon ignores the first two movies entirely.
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is an application software program for teaching touch typing.
The typing program was initially released in late 1987 by The Software Toolworks and has been published regularly ever since. The original version was written for MSDOS by Norm Worthington, Walt Bilofsky and Mike Duffy. Editions of Mavis Beacon are currently published by Encore Software (hybrid Mac and Windows) and Software MacKiev (Mac OS X only) and are available throughout the retail sales world. An early version supported both QWERTY and the alternative Dvorak Simplified Keyboard layout. Later versions supported only QWERTY until the 2011 Ultimate Mac Edition from Software MacKiev which returned full Dvorak keyboard lessons to the product. Earlier versions were made for Apple II, Commodore 64, Atari 400/800 (version 1 only), Apple IIGS, Atari ST, Mac OS, Windows, Palm OS (version 16), and Amiga systems. The current Windows and Mac versions are published under the Brøderbund trademark by both Encore and Software MacKiev.
[Intro lead - Ahonen]
Out in the night the wind blows so cold
The moon lights my way I wanna go home
I scan the horizon the Shore is so far
The body is weakening I stare at the stars
There is lightning and there's pain
You feel fire in your brain
There is nothing you can do
For the beast will come for you
Shark attack - swimming alone in the waters of Hell
Shark attack - the blood on my hands
is the proof of the tale
[Lead - Ahonen]
Something is moving beneath my cold feet
I'm trying to move but I'm all too scared
A terrible burst of pain in my leg
The beast took a bite soon I am dead
There is lightning and there's pain
You feel fire in your brain
There is nothing you can do
For the beast will come for you
Shark attack - swimming alone in the waters of Hell
Shark attack - the blood on my hands
is the proof of the tale
[Lead - Ahonen]
Shark attack - swimming alone in the waters of Hell
Shark attack - the blood on my hands