Shahdagh people – Of the regions on the ethnic map of the World, the Caucasus, including Azerbaijan, has been characterized in all periods of history by its multi-ethnicity.
“Shahdagh” peoples, an aboriginal population of Azerbaijan living in the north-east areas of the country, are so-called by virtue of the fact that they populate the Shahdag plateau of the Greater Caucasus. These peoples historically inhabit the villages of Buduq, Jek, Alik, Haput, Khinalug, Yerguj and Kryts. Therefore they are respectively named Budukh,Jeks, Aliks, Haputis,Khinalugs, Yergujs and Kryts people. The supposed ancestors of these peoples were Caucasian Albanians and each group has its own specific traditions, culture and language.
Shahdagh peoples have specifically characteristic family and cultural traditions. It is possible to find many similarities and varieties between the wedding and mourning traditions of Shahdagh people and those of other historical groups, especially Oghuz Turks.
In the flinty light, it's midnight and stars collide
Shadows run, in full flight, to run, seek and hide
Well, I'm still not sure what part I play
In this shadow play, this shadow play
In the half light, on this mad night
I hear a voice in time
Well, I look back, see a half-smile
Then it's gone from sight
Won't you tell me how I can find my way?
In this shadow play, this shadow play
In this shadow play, this shadow play
Sounds come crashing and I hear laughing
All those lights just blaze away
I feel a little strange inside
A little bit of Jekyll, a little Mr. Hyde
Sounds come crashing and I hear laughing?
All those lights just blaze away
I feel a little strange inside
A little Mr. Jekyll, a little Mr. Hyde
Thoughts run wild, free as a child, into the night
Across the screen a thin beam, of magic light
Yeah, things they just don't look the same
In this shadow play, this shadow play
Shadow play, shadow play
I can't run away from this shadow play