Shadowgate is a 1987 point-and-click adventure video game originally for the Apple Macintosh in the MacVenture series. It was also ported to various other systems. The game is named for its setting, Castle Shadowgate, residence of the evil Warlock Lord. The player, as the "last of a great line of hero-kings" is charged with the task of saving the world by defeating the Warlock Lord, who is attempting to summon up the demon Behemoth out of Hell.
The player must solve a series of puzzles throughout the castle to proceed to the Warlock Lord's chamber. Due to the castle's perilous nature, at least one lit torch must be in the player's possession at all times. If the torch is extinguished, the player soon stumbles, breaking his neck, and must then continue from a saved game (or the area in which they died, in game console versions). Only a finite number of torches are to be found throughout the game, which effectively acts as a time limit to proceedings. Various items that can be acquired include sword, sling and other ancient weapons; though these weapons can not actually be used as striking weapons, they can be clicked on at the appropriate time to deliver a fatal blow to specific enemies.
Shadowgate is a children's fantasy book by Emily Rodda. It is the second book in the Dragons of Deltora series, the third series of the Deltora series. It was first published in 2004 by Scholastic.
Lief, Barda, and Jasmine travel north to find the Sister of the North. They are captured and adopted by the Masked Ones, a circus troop who all wear masks physically fused into their faces. They were founded by Ballum, a close friend of one of the old kings, who was accused of being a traitor and forced to flee. During their stay, a mysterious specter keeps appearing and murdering people around the companions. They escape from the Masked Ones and meet the Lapis Lazuli Dragon, Fortuna. They find a castle near a village called Shadowgate, the northernmost point in Deltora. There they discover Bede, son of Bess (leader of the Masked Ones). They assume him to be the guardian, but it is revealed that it is actually Kirsten, a girl from Shadowgate who fell in love with him, but he loved her sister Mariette, so she grew jealous and turned herself over to the Shadow Lord to be the Guardian of the North if it meant she could keep Bede prisoner. The specter is a projection made by her which she uses to try and kill the companions, but always malfunctions. The Sister is discovered, and destroyed when the Emerald Dragon, Honora, awakens. Kirsten is killed, Mariette is released from her enchanted imprisonment, and she and Bede live together happily.
Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers is a 1999 adventure game for the Nintendo 64 developed by Infinite Ventures and published by Kemco. It's a sequel to Shadowgate.
Shadowgate 64 has the same first-person view of the first game, though this time the static screens of the original were replaced by full 3D roaming similar to that of the first-person shooters. Despite the graphical changes, the core game is similar: the game relies mostly on solving puzzles and riddles rather than fighting enemies. The warden and dwarf-like guards are the only enemies to be found, and they have to be avoided. There are many instances in which Del can die, such as a fall from a moderate height or dropping into deep water. The player must find ways around everything through interaction with the environment.
Unlike the extensive menu-based actions of the first game, Shadowgate 64 simplifies most of this actions down to two buttons: one acts as a generic action command, while the other serves to use items.
To the other side of known world
To the places where time doesn't exist
You see all of it, you have seen nothing
All is too much to understand
Only the higher minds so blackened and ill
Can travel beyond his thoughts
In the tower of damned darkness
The Lord of chaos, the witch of the eye
Holding the keys into the shadows
Watching over green lands
Learning the ways of goodness
To prevent those shades of light
Light and it's people in Arda
Weak fools, enemy forever
Enemy forever!
Gates of shadow, doors for demons
Demons of nether and void
Infernal landscapes and abyssic essence
Insane to the mind of a man
The world of unknown, enchanted domain
Fields of nightmare and fear
Like haunted dreams, darken realms
Homeland for the demonic beings
If you go, you may drown like a stone
Lose your soul and die a thousand times
Known evil is nothing there