Shōjo Robot
"Shōjo Robot" (少女ロボット, "Girl Robot") is a song by Rie Tomosaka, written by rock musician Ringo Shiina. It was released as her final single before her hiatus, on June 21, 2000 (2000-06-21). The song was used as an ending theme song for the Nippon Television variety show Fun.
Rie Tomosaka version
Ringo Shiina had previously worked with Tomosaka on her 1999 album, Murasaki. (むらさき。, Purple.). She had written the lead single, "Cappuccino," the B-side to the single "Mokuren no Cream" (木蓮のクリーム, "Magnolia Cream") and the album track "Shampoo" (シャンプー, Shanpū).
Shiina created a temporary 5 piece band to record the single, and named it Ikenai Kotachi (いけない子達, The Bad Kids). Along with Tomosaka on vocals and Shiina on piano/back-up vocals, Hisako Tabuchi of Number Girl/Bloodthirsty Butchers featured as the band's guitarist.
The songs on the single were created in the vein of Shiina's Shōso Strip album (released three months prior). "Shōjo Robot" and "Ikenai Ko" were written with Tomosaka's image in mind, while "Nippon ni Umarete" was an unused demo from the Shōso Strip sessions.