Serundeng is an Indonesian spicy fried coconut flakes, which is made from sautéing grated coconut, and is often used as a side dish to accompany rice.
Grated coconut flesh formed the essential part of serundeng. Freshly shredded coconut, instead of grated coconut leftover from making coconut milk, gives a richer taste. To make a serundeng, spices and seasonings like onions, chili peppers, garlic, onion, coriander, turmeric, sugar, tamarind, bay leaves (daun salam), lime leaves (daun jeruk purut), and galangal are ground to a paste and fried. Then, grated coconut is sauteed (fried with minimal or without oil) until golden brown, and mixed with the seasoning paste. Roasted peanuts might be added for additional crunchy texture and taste.
Serundeng can be mixed with meat in dishes such as serundeng daging (beef serundeng), sprinkled on top of other dishes such as soto soup or covering all over ketan (sticky rice).
In Indonesia, beef serundeng usually tastes rather sweet because of the generous addition of coconut sugar, and it is commonly associated with Javanese cuisine. Serundeng fried coconut flakes as sprinkled dry condiment is also found in Betawi cuisine of Jakarta, and Makassar cuisine of South Sulawesi, usually applied upon soto, ketan, or burasa (rice in banana leaf cooked in coconut milk).
[music composed and arranged by Buratto, Messina, Lonobile, Cartasegna, Gianotti, Agate; words by Messina]
One step into the night and the other through the light,
We don't care of what we are and we always wanna hide,
Days are goin'on, then another one will come,
But don't think 'cause other problems will fill up your brain
Strange armonies in the air,
We can' t anymore them hear,
Strange game of rhymes, we can't see,
Now takes control of my hand
Far away I forsee a figure who seems to be
Someone who's waiting for a sign of mine,
Suddenly, can you feel his voice that calls your name?
There's no sound but lips are movin'on
I stand into the fog, as the avarage of yours,
But I try to make him speak, I know he's like me,
As written on pieces of my mind,
Falling into a deep abyss,
I begin to see the words my heart wants to say
They tell of blame, some of them,
Some others about fear,
Strange game of lies, I deny,
But they're the ones I deeply live
Music everywhere,
Words forever lasting,
You and me sing together
The love and the hate of life