Serb clans
The tribes of Old Montenegro, the Highlands, East Herzegovina and the Maritime (Serbian: племена Црне Горе, Брда, источне Xерцеговине, Приморја) were historical geo-political units on the territory of contemporary Montenegro and Hercegovina. The tribes were in turn composed of various clans (bratstva братства, literally "brotherhoods"). These tribes are usually divided into the tribes of Old Montenegro, the Highlands, East Herzegovina, and the Maritime. The most contemporary Montenegrins include in their identity their descent from the tribes.
The tribes (плeme, pleme plural: плeмeна, plemena) were territorial and political units in Montenegro. The tribes are not necessarily kin as they only serve as a geopolitical unit. The Plemena enjoyed especially large autonomy in the period from the second part of 15th century till the middle of 19th century. The first mention of a tribe was in the 13th century in Herzegovina. In fact most of the tribes were formed in the period between the 13th and 15th centuries. Following the Ottoman occupation and dissolution of the Serbian Empire, the formation of tribes formed local self-governing units. In 1853, Danilo II Petrović Njegoš was elected the first secular ruler of modern Montenegro and the Highlands, becoming Knjaz (Prince) Danilo I. Subsequently, the role of the central state was gradually increased and plemena lost their political independence as well as influence. The territorial subdivision of Montenegro was based on territorial clan regions.