A Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes pronounced sir-deez) is a pair of functional blocks commonly used in high speed communications to compensate for limited input/output. These blocks convert data between serial data and parallel interfaces in each direction. The term "SerDes" generically refers to interfaces used in various technologies and applications. The primary use of a SerDes is to provide data transmission over a single/differential line in order to minimize the number of I/O pins and interconnects.
The basic SerDes function is made up of two functional blocks: the Parallel In Serial Out (PISO) block (aka Parallel-to-Serial converter) and the Serial In Parallel Out (SIPO) block (aka Serial-to-Parallel converter). There are 4 different SerDes architectures: (1) Parallel clock SerDes, (2) Embedded clock SerDes, (3) 8b/10b SerDes, (4) Bit interleaved SerDes.
The PISO (Parallel Input, Serial Output) block typically has a parallel clock input, a set of data input lines, and input data latches. It may use an internal or external phase-locked loop (PLL) to multiply the incoming parallel clock up to the serial frequency. The simplest form of the PISO has a single shift register that receives the parallel data once per parallel clock, and shifts it out at the higher serial clock rate. Implementations may also make use of a double-buffered register to avoid metastability when transferring data between clock domains.
(brooker / reid)
Outside the gates of cerdes sits the two-pronged unicorn
Who plays at relaxation time a rhinestone flugelhorn
Whilst mermaids lace carnations into wreaths for ailing whales
And neptune dances hornpipes while salome sheds her veils
Phallus phil tries peddling his pewter painted pot
But sousa sam can only hear the screams of peep the sot
Who only sips his creme de menthe from terra cotta cups
And exhales menthol scented breath whilst spewing verbiage up
Down technical blind alleys live the wraiths of former dreams
And greeps who often crossed them are no longer what they seem
And even christian scientists can but display marble plaques
Which only retell legends whilst my eyes reach out for facts