Selichot or slichot (Hebrew: סליחות; singular selichah (סליחה)) are Jewish penitential poems and prayers, especially those said in the period leading up to the High Holidays, and on Fast Days. God's Thirteen Attributes of Mercy are a central theme throughout these prayers.
In the Sephardic tradition, recital of Selichot in preparation for the High Holidays begins on the second day of the Hebrew month of Elul. In the Ashkenazic tradition, it begins on the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah. If, however, the first day of Rosh Hashanah falls on Monday or Tuesday, Selichot are said beginning the Saturday night prior to ensure that Selichot are recited at least four times. This may be because originally the pious would fast for ten days during the season of repentance, and four days before Rosh Hashanah were added to compensate for the four of the Ten days of Repentance on which fasting is forbidden - the two days of Rosh Hashanah, Shabbat Shuvah, and the day preceding Yom Kippur - and, while the fasts have since been abandoned, the Selichot that accompanied them have been retained. Alternatively, the Rosh Hashanah liturgy includes the Biblical phrase, “you shall observe a burnt offering”, and like an offering which needs to be scrutinised for defects for four days, so too four days of self-searching are needed before the day of judgment.
Waking up dead, inside of my head
Would never, never do, there is no med
No medicine to take
I’ve had a chance to be insane
Asylum from the falling rain
I’ve had a chance to break
It’s so bad, it’s got to be good
Mysterious girl misunderstood
Dressed like a wedding cake
Any other day and I might play
A funeral march for bound a bray
Why try and run away?
Slow cheetah come before my forest
Looks like it's on today
Slow cheetah come, it's so euphoric
No matter what they say
I know a girl, she worked in a store
She knew not what her life was for
She barely knew her name
They tried to tell her, she would never be
As happy as a girl in a magazine
She bought it with her pay
Slow cheetah come before my forest
Looks like it's on today
Slow cheetah come, it's so euphoric
No matter what they say
Everyone has so much to say
They talk, talk, talk their lives away
Don’t even hesitate
Walking on down to the burial ground
It’s a very old dance with a merry old sound
Looks like it's on today
Slow cheetah come before my forest
Looks like it's on today
Slow cheetah come, its' so euphoric
No matter what they say
Slow cheetah come before my forest
Looks like it's on today
Slow cheetah come, it's so euphoric