Nude (1910, French: Nu, Serbian: Купачица / Kupačica) is a painting by French impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir. It is oil on canvas, and was painted in 1910. In 1996 the estimated worth was about 6 million US Dollars. The painting is currently housed in the National Museum of Serbia in Belgrade. The painting was given to the Serbian people by Prince Paul of Yugoslavia.
The painting was stolen in 1996 by an amateur Roma thief. During the theft, it was badly damaged and was recovered in poor condition, requiring a year of restoration. After the Renoir was stolen, the entire foreign art collection was moved to the museum warehouse to protect the collection until a better security system could be installed.
The nude figure is mainly a tradition in Western art, and has been used to express ideals of male and female beauty and other human qualities. It was a central preoccupation of Ancient Greek art, and after a semi-dormant period in the Middle Ages returned to a central position in Western art with the Renaissance. Athletes, dancers, and warriors are depicted to express human energy and life, and nudes in various poses may express basic or complex emotions such as pathos. In one sense, a nude is a work of fine art that has as its primary subject the unclothed human body, forming a subject genre of art, in the same way as landscapes and still life. Unclothed figures often also play a part in other types of art, such as history painting, including allegorical and religious art, portraiture, or the decorative arts.
While there is no single definition of fine art, there are certain generally accepted features of most definitions. In the fine arts, the subject is not merely copied from nature, but transformed by the artist into an aesthetic object, usually without significant utilitarian, commercial (advertising, illustration), or purely decorative purposes. There is also a judgement of taste; the fine art nude being part of high culture rather than middle brow or low culture. However, judgements of taste in art are not entirely subjective, but include criteria of skill and craftsmanship in the creation of objects, communication of complex and non-trivial messages, and creativity. Some works accepted as high culture of the past, including much Academic art, are now seen as imitative or sentimental otherwise known as kitsch.
Nude is the third studio album by the band VAST, released on Carson Daly's independent label 456 Entertainment. It was released on February 24, 2004 and would be the last album released on his own independent label, 2blossoms. The album is made up of remastered and remixed demos from the online Turquoise & Crimson releases.
A European version of the album was also released, which includes two bonus tracks and a sixteen page booklet housed in a cardboard slipcase. The bonus tracks included are Falling from the Sky (as track 13) and I Woke Up L.A. (as track 14).
With the release of Turquoise & Crimson (Retail Version), the album was made obsolete, because the double album featured all of the songs on Nude, remastered from their unfinished versions released online, and mixed with many new songs. Crosby marketed the album through his own independent label after his unhappiness with 456 Entertainment. He later claimed that releasing Nude on 456 Entertainment was a "disaster, and not a very good idea".
Segment may mean:
Segmentation in biology refers to the division of some animal and plant body plans into a series of repetitive segments. This article focuses on the segmentation of animal body plans, specifically using the examples of the phyla Arthropoda, Chordata, and Annelida. These three phyla form segments by using a “growth zone” to direct and define the segments. While all three have a generally segmented body plan and use a “growth zone,” they use different mechanisms for generating this patterning. Even within these phyla, different organisms have different mechanisms for segmenting the body. Segmentation of the body plan is important for allowing free movement and development of certain body parts. It also allows for regeneration in specific individuals.
Segmentation is a difficult process to satisfactorily define. Many taxa (for instance the molluscs) have some form of serial repetition in their units, but are not conventionally thought of as segmented. Segmented animals are those considered to have organs that were repeated, or to have a body composed of self-similar units, but usually it is the parts of an organism that are referred to as being segmented.
Memory segmentation is the division of a computer's primary memory into segments or sections. In a computer system using segmentation, a reference to a memory location includes a value that identifies a segment and an offset within that segment. Segments or sections are also used in object files of compiled programs when they are linked together into a program image and when the image is loaded into memory.
Segments usually correspond to natural divisions of a program such as individual routines or data tables so segmentation is generally more visible to the programmer than paging alone. Different segments may be created for different program modules, or for different classes of memory usage such as code and data segments. Certain segments may be shared between programs.
In a system using segmentation, computer memory addresses consist of a segment id and an offset within the segment. A hardware memory management unit (MMU) is responsible for translating the segment and offset into a physical memory address, and for performing checks to make sure the translation can be done and that the reference to that segment and offset is permitted.