Seat or Seat (Buttermere) is a minor Fell in the English Lake District. It has a height of 561 m (1840 ft). Seat is a little overviewed mountain over-shadowed by Haystacks and High Crag. Seat is located next to Buttermere in the North Western Fells.
Seat is cushioned in-between Haystacks and High Crag in the North Western Fells. Seat itself has lots of Crags and the summitt is reasonable flat. At the bottom of Seat is Buttermere, Buttermere is a lake that was once joined with Crummock Water to the north. On the other side of Seat is Ennerdale Forest in the Ennerdale Valley. Seat's neighboring mountains include Fleetwith Pike, Haystacks, High Crag, High Stile, Red Pike and Dodd. Beyond Seat to the north west the land diminish towards the coastal plain of Cumberland.
The most common ascent would be from the south end of Buttermere, From Gatesgarth Farm, cross the road from the Farm Car park and out towards the accent at the bottom of Haystacks. People would normally ascend Haystacks first then go on to Seat, then onto High Crag then High Stile, Red Pike, Dodd and then back alongside the lake back to the Farm. The other main ascent is the opposite, starting at the bottom of the lake from the village of Buttermere and up past Dodd to Red Pike then to High Stile, then High Crag, then finally onto Seat. Other ascents which are less common include the ascent via Scarth Gap from Ennerdale Forest.
A seat is a place to sit, referring to the area sat upon as opposed to other elements like armrests.
A seat is also known as a bench, a chair, a chaise longue, chesterfield, a couch, a davenport or a settee.
The following are examples of different kinds of seat:
Seats (Latin: sedes, Hungarian: szék, German: stuhl, Romanian: scaun) were administrative territorial entities in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. The seats were autonomous regions within the Kingdom, and were independent from the feudal county system. Their autonomy was granted in return for the military services they provided to the Hungarian Kings.
The following divisions were at one point Székely seats:
Seats were formed by the:
Most seats gave up their autonomous status and military traditions in late medieval times and paid tax instead.
In legal English, the seat of a corporation or organisation, as a legal entity, is the location of its headquarters. According to international and national procedural law, "specific legal actions with legal effect for and against the legal entity can be performed at the seat of this entity." However, "the term "seat" is sometimes also used in a broad sense without a specific legal meaning. In this case [it] only defines where an entity is located and does not mean that this location is a legal seat where specific juridical acts can be performed."