Oyster is a streaming service for digital ebooks, available for Android, iOS, Kindle Fire, and NOOK HD/HD+ devices. It is also available on any web browser on a desktop or laptop computer. Oyster holds over 1 million books in its library, and as of September 2015, the service is only available in the United States.
In September 2015, it was reported that Google acquired Oyster. No terms were disclosed but speculation put the price at somewhere between $20 million and $30 million. As a part of the acquisition it was reported that the founders would be leading Google Play Books in New York. In conjunction with the acquisition, Oyster reported on its blog that it would be shutting down its existing service in early 2016.
The company was founded in 2012 by Eric Stromberg, Andrew Brown, and Willem Van Lancker, and is headquartered in New York City.
In October 2012, Oyster received $3 million in seed funding led by Founders Fund, a San Francisco-based venture capital firm founded by Peter Thiel and Ken Howery. On January 14, 2014, Oyster announced a $14 million funding round, led by Highland Capital Partners.
Oyster is an international fashion, beauty, music and pop-culture title established in Australia in 1994 by Monica Nakata and Jonathan Morris.
The magazine features exclusive international fashion editorial, interviews, and extensive music and art editorial. Oyster showcases the work of leading photographers and young up-and-coming talent from around the world, and is renowned for its avant-garde approach to style.
From 1994–2012 Oyster was published bi-monthly. It was announced in 2015 that the frequency would change from bi-annual to quarterly print publication.
Oystermag.com was established in 2006 and offers extended content from the magazine, online fashion and beauty shoots, interviews and daily pop-culture news posts.
Chaos may refer to any state of confusion or disorder, it may also refer to:
Chaos is a 2008 Hong Kong action thriller film directed by Herman Yau and starring Gordon Lam, Andrew Lin, Kristal Tin and Charmaine Fong.
In the Walled City, the inhabitants are either cornered or have a shady past. They commit prostitution, gambling, drugs and other lawless acts. They have their own order and law. The Walled City is akin to a "limbo" zone. One day, Cheung Tai-hoi (Andrew Lin), while escorting criminal Mickey Szeto (Gordon Lam), accidentally loses control of the police van and breaks into the Walled City and is detained by its inhabitants. Walled City's overlord Crow (Alexander Chan) hate the police and believes one of them is a cop and prepares to execute one of them. At this time, a brothel owner in Walled City, Ling, (Kristal Tin) falsely accuses Mickey to be the cop. Therefore, Hoi was released while Mickey was continued to be detained. It turns out that Mickey is Ling's long lost lover and she wants him to suffer since she believes he abandoned her and her daughter, Yan (Charmaine Fong), years ago. At the same time, she also wants Mickey to help her leave Walled City because Crow has been eyeing for Yan. Yan then sees the detained Mickey, while she does not know he is her father, she had a feeling which prompt her to decide to help him escape. At the same time, a fatal plague was discovered in Walled City and the government uses this as an excuse to start a massacre that would prevent the spreading of the plague. Will Mickey, Tai-hoi, Ling and Yan survive the massacre? Will Mickey and Yan be reunited as father and daughter?
The British space rock group Hawkwind have been active since 1969, but their earliest video release is Night Of The Hawk from their Earth Ritual Tour recorded at Ipswich on 9 March 1984. Since then, there have been numerous video releases covering the evolution of the band; some are professional broadcast shoots, others commercial, and a few are amateur.
There have also been some live video shoots of the band during the 1970s, although none have seen a commercial release. These include an early 12 April 1970 The Roundhouse, London performance and a Hawklords performance at Brunel University, Uxbridge on 24 November 1978.
The Hawkestra event, a reunion featuring appearances from all past and present members on 21 October 2000 at the Brixton Academy, was professionally filmed but disputes between band members would indicate any forthcoming release unlikely.
The se'ah or seah (Hebrew: סאה) is a unit of dry measure of ancient origin used in Halakha (Jewish law), which equals one third of an ephah, or bath. Its size in modern units varies widely according to the criteria used for defining it.
According to Herbert G. May, chief editor of two classic Bible-related reference books, the bath may be archaeologically determined to have been about 5.75 gallons (22 liters) from a study of jar remains marked 'bath' and 'royal bath' from Tell Beit Mirsim. Since the bath unit has been established to be 22 litres, 1 se'ah would equal 7.33 litres or 7.33dm3.
In the context of a mikveh, a se'ah can be about twice as much in order to accommodate even the most stringent rabbinical ruling on immersion. A mikveh must, according to the classical regulations, contain enough water to cover the entire body of an average-sized person; based on a mikveh with the dimensions of 3 cubits deep, 1 cubit wide, and 1 cubit long, the necessary volume of water was estimated as being 40 se'ah of water. The exact volume referred to by a seah is debated, and classical rabbinical literature specifies only that it is enough to fit 144 eggs; most Orthodox Jews use the stringent ruling of the Avrohom Yeshaya Karelitz, according to which one seah is 14.3 litres, and therefore a mikveh must contain approximately 575 litres . This volume of water could be topped up with water from any source, but if there were less than 40 seahs of water in the mikveh, then the addition of 3 or more pints of water from an unnatural source would render the mikveh unfit for use, regardless of whether water from a natural source was then added to make up 40 seahs from a natural source; a mikveh rendered unfit for use in this way would need to be completely drained away and refilled from scratch.
Identified as the most expensive defence procurement project to date in Australian history, the Collins-class replacement will provide Australia with a submarine capability deep into the twenty-first century. With the Royal Australian Navy's (RAN's) Collins-class submarines scheduled to begin leaving service from 2025 onwards, plans to replace them began in 2007 with the commencement of the defence acquisition project SEA 1000, also referred to as the Future Submarine Programme. Australia's unique operating environment (including significant variations in ocean climate and conditions) and rejection of nuclear propulsion had previously driven it to operate in the Collins-class the world's largest diesel-electric submarines, capable of transiting the long distances from HMAS Stirling to their deployment areas.
In the early phases of the replacement project, four design options were identified: purchase a Military-Off-The-Shelf (MOTS) design, modify a MOTS design for Australian conditions, design an evolution of the Collins-class, or create a new design. Nuclear propulsion has been ruled out due to the lack of an indigenous nuclear industry in Australia and public opposition to nuclear technology.
Entropy in all I see,
it's just my reality, but think:
what's behind this pointless game?
What's behind all our despair?
Will the end of this life
show the real prize
I'm waiting for?
Although I'm carrying my cross,
I cannot see
no sign of hope.
... Breeding the Chaos to live...
On and on with false beliefs,
hate the creed that leads our lives and deeds.
Once again we'll put our love
in the fear that we call God.
Will the end of this life
show the real prize
I'm waiting for?
Although I'm carrying my cross,
I cannot see
no sign of hope.
The blind leads the blind,
show to me what you see
with chains of deceit,
show to me 1 can't see
as Death is the only truth
... in the Chaos...
Wandering the Chaos path,
my delight and curse,
1 can't see the destiny