Scrope is the name of an old English family of Norman origin.
The name (pronounced "Scroop") may be derived from the old Anglo-Norman word for "crab" and that it began as a nickname for a club-footed illegitimate son of an English princess by a Norman knight. A crab moves sideways and so the name could fit a child with club feet. Whether far-fetched or not, it is fact that at one stage the family crest was a crab (subsequently five feathers) and that the family motto is still "Devant si je puis" -("forward if I can"), which could have a double meaning as of course a crab can only go sideways.
One Richard FitzScrob (or FitzScrope), apparently a Norman knight, was granted lands by Edward the Confessor before the Norman Conquest, in Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire as recorded in the Domesday Book. He built Richard's Castle, near Ludlow in Shropshire, and is recorded in chronicles of the Conqueror's early years in England as asking for assistance against the Welsh. Legend has it that an earlier Scrope (perhaps Richard's father) was the Anglo Saxon who gave his name to the settlement "Scrobbesbyrig" (Scrobbs Fort), which name was later corrupted into Shrewsbury. Certainly, prior to the Conquest, Scrobbesbyrig was an established Anglo Saxon settlement.
Tío Sam, muñeco de homicidio
Tío Sam, jugamos a matar
Tío Sam, comienza el exterminio
Tío Sam, operación Irak
Suenan los pepinos en Bagdag
inician la ofensiva militar
la sangre ha comenzado ya a brotar
cuidado no te vaya a salpicar
Tío Sam, muñeco ultrasádico
Tío Sam, todo por su interés
Tío Sam, misiles diplomáticos
Tío Sam, te van a convencer
Y nos venden sus mentiras por televisión
engañando al personal yendo de salvador
no hay acuerdo, procedamos a la destrucción
mataremos sin piedad
Mil muertos más, qué más da, es mi guerra
voy a lanzar mi arsenal a la tierra
los muertos los ponen los demás, la miseria
yo tengo licencia pa matar, a la mierda!!
Siempre en la vanguardia militar
son los aliados de la OTAN
máquinas perfectas de matar
asesinan en el nombre de la paz
Y nos venden sus mentiras por televisión
engañando al personal yendo de salvador
no hay acuerdo procedamos a la destrucción
mataremos sin piedad
Mil muertos más, qué más da, es mi guerra
voy a lanzar mi arsenal a la tierra
los muertos los ponen los demás, la miseria
yo tengo licencia pa matar, a la mierda!!
Asesinos del Tratado Atlántico: os saludan los muertos de Irak..
Los muertos los pone el Pueblo..