A screener (SCR) is an advance screening of a film or television series sent to critics, awards voters, video stores (for their manager and employees), and other film industry professionals, including producers and distributors. Screeners help critics and award voters see smaller movies that do not have the marketing advantage or distribution of major studio releases. Positive mentions can result in awards consideration. A screener often has no post-processing. Nowadays physical DVD copies still appear to be issued, but screeners are also distributed digitally to members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and the media/publicity sites of individual television networks for television shows. When screeners leak online, they are often tagged "DVDSCR", and often have an on-screen graphic watermarked with the receiver's email address.
In 2003, the MPAA announced that they would be ceasing distribution of screeners to Academy members, citing fears of copyright infringement. A group of independent film makers sued and won a decision against the MPAA. The MPAA later reinstated the screeners with the implementation of a new policy requiring recipients to sign a binding contract that they would not share the screeners with others.
Pictures creep into your living-room
Glimmering blue light from a screen
Find yourself under the influence
Staring eyes and empty head
You've got
There is no cure
For your
Brains are not insured
No. 1
Western world's disease
20 Channels by remote control
Choice enough without a move
Independence of the cable-net
Satellite upon your roof
You can order
You can buy
You can learn the latest way to die
You've got informations
You can learn or pray
So I guess you don't like what I say :
You've got
There is no cure
For your
Brains are not insured
No. 1