Robert Scott Hicks (born 4 March 1953) is an Australian film director and screenwriter. He is best known as the screenwriter and director of Shine, the Oscar-winning biopic of pianist David Helfgott. Hicks's work has been nominated for an Academy Award as well as winning an Emmy Award. Other movies he directed include the film adaptations of Stephen King's Hearts in Atlantis and Nicholas Sparks's The Lucky One.
Hicks was born in Uganda, the son of a housewife and a civil engineer. He lived in Kenya, just outside Nairobi, until the age of ten. His family then moved, first to England and, when he was 14, on to Adelaide, South Australia. Though British citizens, his father and grandfather were born in Burma and the West Indies respectively, and spent their lives in far-flung locales as civil engineers building railways, bridges and harbours. His mother is Scottish. Scott lives with his wife and collaborator/producer Kerry Heysen in Adelaide, where they maintain their own Yacca Paddock Vineyard on the Fleurieu Peninsula. Their two sons, Scott and Jethro, also live in Adelaide.