Schwein (German for pig as well as pork) is a music group comprising members of Buck-Tick, KMFDM, and PIG. Members Raymond Watts (vocals, programming, guitar) and Hisashi Imai (Buck-Tick; guitar and noise), both having worked together in Schaft, were joined by Atsushi Sakurai (Buck-Tick; vocals), Sascha Konietzko (KMFDM; vocals and programming) and Lucia Cifarelli (KMFDM; vocals). In 2001 Schwein released an album, Schweinstein, followed by the remix album Son of Schweinstein. Schwein toured Japan in the summer of 2001. However, Konietzko did not tour with them, citing illness and a desire to focus on KMFDM.
Lewis David de Schweinitz (13 February 1780 – 8 February 1834) was a German-American botanist and mycologist. He is considered by some the "Father of North American Mycology", but also made significant contributions to botany.
Born in Bethlehem, PA, a great-grandson of Count Nicolas Ludwig von Zinzendorf, founder and patron of the Moravian Church,in 1787 Schweinitz was placed in the institution of the Moravian community at Nazareth, Pennsylvania, where he remained for 11 years and was a successful and industrious student. Schweinitz later entered the Theological seminary at Niesky (Prussia) in 1798. In 1805, he published the Conspectus Fungorum in Lusatiae in collaboration with his teacher, Professor J.B. Albertini.
In 1807 he went to Gnadenberg (in Silesia), then subsequently to Gnadau to work as a preacher in the Moravian church. A work appointment in the United States led him on a route through Denmark and Sweden, to avoid Napoleon's operations. This path allowed him to meet with some of the academics at the University of Kiel in Holstein, where he was bestowed with an honorary Ph.D. "in absentia, for his work as an administrator, his cultivation of natural science, and the Conspectus".
Bailar de lejos no es bailar
Es como estar bailando solo
Tú bailando en tu volcán y a dos metros de ti
Bailando yo en el polo
Probemos una sola vez
Bailar pegados con más fuego
Abrazados al compás, sin separar jamás
Tu cuerpo de mi cuerpo
Bailar pegados es bailar
Igual que baila el mar con los delfines
Corazón con corazón en un solo salón, dos bailarines
Abrazadísimos los dos, acariciándonos
Sintiéndonos la piel, nuestra balada va a sonar
Vamos a probar, probar el arte de volar
Bailar pegados es bailar
Bailar pegados es bailar, es bailar
Verás la música después
Te va pidiendo un beso a gritos
Y te sube por los pies,
Un algo que no ves, lo que nunca se ha escrito
Bailar pegados es bailar
Igual que baila el mar con los delfines
Corazón con corazón en un solo salón, dos bailarines, oh
Abrazadísimos los dos, acariciándonos
Sintiéndonos la piel, nuestra balada va a sonar
Vamos a probar, probar el arte de volar
Bailar pegados es bailar