Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness, and apathy. Affected individuals may simultaneously demonstrate a rich, elaborate and exclusively internal fantasy world.
SPD is not the same as schizophrenia or antisocial personality disorder. Some psychologists argue that the definition of SPD is flawed due to cultural bias.
People with SPD are often aloof, cold and indifferent, which causes interpersonal difficulty. Most individuals diagnosed with SPD have trouble establishing personal relationships or expressing their feelings meaningfully. They may remain passive in the face of unfavorable situations. Their communication with other people may be indifferent and terse at times. Because of their lack of meaningful communication with other people, those who are diagnosed with SPD are not able to develop accurate impressions of how well they get along with others.
Schizoid (also known as Murder by Mail) is a 1980 horror film directed and written by David Paulsen.
Julie (Marianna Hill) is an advice columnist for the city newspaper who begins to receive anonymous notes threatening murder and worse. At about the same time, female members of the group therapy session she attends are being stabbed, one by one, by an unknown assailant. Is there a connection? If so, why do the notes talk about murder with a gun, while the murder victims are being stabbed? At first, the police, her ex-husband, her therapist and her friends all assure her that the notes are probably unrelated, and hoax; but with time, it becomes apparent that someone close to her is responsible. Is it her therapist, Pieter (Klaus Kinski), who has sex with his patients just before they are murdered? Or Pieter's daughter (Donna Wilkes), who resents Julie for Julie's romantic involvement with Pieter? Is it Julie's ex-husband (Craig Wasson), who never really wanted their divorce? Or maybe Gilbert (Christopher Lloyd), the eccentric building maintenance man?
Schizoid is an action game which focuses on teamwork. Players must co-operate to protect each other from barrages of glowing enemies. The title was developed by Torpex Games and launched on Xbox Live Arcade on July 9, 2008.
Schizoid was nominated for two Xbox Live Arcade 2008 awards: "Best Original Game" and "Best Co-Operative Multiplayer Game".Penny Arcade awarded Schizoid a place in their PAX 10 awards, as one of the best independently developed games of the year "in terms of gameplay and 'fun factor'."
Two player-controlled ships, colored red and blue, are maneuvered around a game level. Red and blue enemies charge at the ships of the opposite color. If a player ship touches an enemy of the same color, the enemy is destroyed; but if the enemy is of the opposite color, the player ship is destroyed. When all red and blue enemies are cleared from the level, the level ends and players begin the next level.
Two single-player game modes are available: Wingman Bot Training, in which the player controls the blue ship and a bot controls the red ship; and Uberschizoid, in which the player controls both ships simultaneously. One multiplayer game mode is available, playable either as an Xbox Live game over an Internet connection, or with two players at the same console in "Local Co-op" game mode.
Prodigy or Prodigies may refer to:
Prodigy Communications Corporation (Prodigy Services Corp., Prodigy Services Co., Trintex) was an online service that offered its subscribers access to a broad range of networked services, including news, weather, shopping, bulletin boards, games, polls, expert columns, banking, stocks, travel, and a variety of other features.
Initially, subscribers using personal computers accessed the Prodigy service by means of POTS or X.25 dialup. For its initial roll-out, Prodigy supported 1200 bit/s modems. To provide faster service and to stabilize the diverse modem market, Prodigy offered low-cost 2400 bit/s internal modems to subscribers at a discount.
The company claimed it was the first consumer online service, citing its graphical user interface and basic architecture as differentiation from CompuServe, which started in 1979 and used a command-line interface.
By 1990 it was the second-largest online service provider, with 465,000 subscribers trailing only CompuServe's 600,000. Its headquarters were in White Plains, New York until 2000, when they moved to Austin, Texas.
Prodigy, in comics, may refer to: