Schaft is a Japanese musical side project whose main members are Maki Fujii (of minus(ー), formerly of Soft Ballet) and Hisashi Imai (of Buck-Tick). Schaft can be thought of as being a supergroup in that for the release of their debut album Switchblade Maki and Imai formed the core of the group and a rotating roster of collaborators, who are well-known within their genres, were brought in to work on various songs. Raymond Watts of PIG was Schaft's most recurring collaborator, having contributed to half the songs on their debut album and toured with the band. After a long hiatus Schaft resumed activities in 2015.
Maki and Imai originally formed Schaft in 1991 to record and release the song "Nicht-Titel" (German for "Non-Title") on the album Dance 2 Noise 001, a compilation album of various Japanese electronic and industrial acts. A live concert event was held on December 16 of the same year for the purpose of promoting the Dance 2 Noise 001 compilation and Schaft made their live debut, playing "Nich-Titel" and at least one other song (though the exact setlist is unknown).
I saw the local cable company
They came and dug up the road
They cut the roots and killed the tree
To give me information overload
They laid an optical vein with a heart of glass
So the rich infuse, but the poor are bypassed
No need to qualify distinction
Of any other creature if alive or in extinction
Somebody gifted with a scanner and a keypad
Can rustle up an animal in cyberspace and time dad
Can it be really real as Takarazuka?
A message that is subtle as a kiss from a bazooka
Come into the water, don't be scared of a verruca
Erase that from your mind, the bottom line is filthy lucre
They're going to give you information
They want to put in formation
Is it a cause for celebration?
A non-creative recreation?
They're going to give you information
They want to put in formation
Is it a cause for celebration?
A non-creative recreation?
If you're virtually hungry, eat a virtual meal
If you're virtually sick, then do you virtually heal?
With a virtual brain, invent a virtual wheel
You're a virtual slave, but the kneeling is real
We're going for a swim in someone else's stream of consciousness and I hope that we don't drown...
A change of perception
Under pain of deception
Latest stab into modernity
Chew the flavour of eternity
How does anybody else feel?
Who can tell me what's the real deal?
Will the glove and goggle free you?
Or put your consciousness in curfew?
No need to answer any question
The mass of information giving mental indigestion
Somebody lacking Internet without a modem
Is waiting for the chance of overrating what you show them
Can it be as really real as waking in a fever?
Asleep inside a dream that's advertising Unilever?
Come into the universe of corporate dementia
Where everybody swaps their teeth for permanent indenture
They're going to give you information
They want to put in formation
Is it a cause for celebration?
A non-creative recreation?
They're going to give you information
They want to put in formation
Is it a cause for celebration?
A non-creative recreation?
If you're virtually hungry, eat a virtual meal
If you're virtually sick, then do you virtually heal?
With a virtual brain, invent a virtual wheel
You're a virtual slave, but the kneeling is real
They're going to give you information
They want to put in formation
Is it a cause for celebration?
A non-creative recreation?