In medicine and biology, scatology or coprology is the study of feces.
Scatological studies allow one to determine a wide range of biological information about a creature, including its diet (and thus where it has been), health and diseases such as tapeworms. The word derives from the Greek σκώρ (genitive σκατός) meaning "feces".
A comprehensive study of scatology was documented by John Gregory Bourke under the title Scatalogic Rites of All Nations (1891). An abbreviated version of the work (with a foreword by Sigmund Freud), was published as The Portable Scatalog in 1994.
In psychology, a scatology is an obsession with excretion or excrement, or the study of such obsessions. (See also coprophilia.)
In sexual fetishism, scatology (usually abbreviated scat) refers to coprophilia, when a person is sexually aroused by fecal matter, whether in the use of feces in various sexual acts, watching someone defecating, or simply seeing the feces. Entire subcultures in sexuality are devoted to this fetish.
Scatology is the first LP and a second album produced by Coil.
Scatology was released in three different formats with two different covers. For the original LP release, the black sun design that was first put on was pasted over by a postcard with a swirling and descending staircase known as the "Anal Staircase." The second edition had the "Sexual Architecture" postcard pasted on random covers with uncovered ones revealing the original black sun design.
The CD edition featured a cover with the title of the album and an upside-down cross below it, finishing off with the original black sun below everything.
The cassette version was actually a bootlegged version recorded on a generic cassette by Stable Records from Russia. It is not endorsed in any way by Coil.
Side A:
Side B: