Sawfly is the common name for insects belonging to suborder Symphyta of the order Hymenoptera. Sawflies are distinguishable from most other hymenopterans by the broad connection between the abdomen and the thorax, and by their caterpillar-like larvae. The common name comes from the saw-like appearance of the ovipositor, which the females use to cut into the plants where they lay their eggs. Large populations of certain sawfly species can cause substantial economic damage to forests and cultivated plants.
Sawflies are a group of largely phytophagous insects. The overall group is paraphyletic, but the name is still in common use, and treated as a suborder, though it likely will be phased out in future classifications. These superfamilies are regarded as the most primitive taxa within the Hymenoptera (some going back 200 million years), and one of the taxa within the Symphyta gave rise to the suborder Apocrita (wasps, bees, and ants - this group is considered monophyletic). In the opinion of many experts, the most likely sister taxon to the Apocrita is the family Orussidae, the only symphytan group which is parasitic.
What Makes One Man Rise Above... Another
Is It The Fact That His Clout Can End Your Future
Just By The Very Social
Status That They Hold
Isn't It Amazing How
They Can Cast Us Aside
To The Side Of The Road
As If We're Waste Waiting To Be Collected By Those
Who've Stood Up To the Man and Learned
I Am... The Bastard
I Am
Learned The Hard Way
About Lazy Arms
And Bright Minds
So What Can Be Said For This Land Of Milk And Vomit
The Answer Lies In A One Way Ticket To Equality
Which Inevitably Comes As Soon As
Reality Can Defecate Your Being
I Am... The Bastard
I Am
I Am... The Bastard
I Am... The Bastard
I Am... The Bastard