Saving throw
In role-playing games (RPGs) and war games, a saving throw is a roll of dice used to determine whether magic, poison, or various other types of attacks are effective against a character or monster. The term was first used in the original Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game by TSR.
They are used to represent the character's ability to avoid or resist the threat, such as by dodging a trap, or being able to resist the effects of a poison. For this reason, they are often modified by appropriate attributes such as Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom or Luck. Sometimes the throw also represents the chance of penetrating the armor being worn by the character/unit, and so players can either roll for an 'armor save' (as is often the case), or for the unit's 'invulnerability save' if applicable (this is most notable in Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000). Magical equipment or spells can also modify saving throw values. A successful saving throw typically either negates or reduces the effectiveness of the effect being saved against.