In human development, a fetus (/ˈfiːtəs/; plural "fetuses"), also spelled foetus, is a prenatal human between its embryonic state and its birth. The fetal stage of development tends to be taken as beginning at the gestational age of eleven weeks, i.e. nine weeks after fertilization. In biological terms, however, prenatal development is a continuum, with no clear defining feature distinguishing an embryo from a fetus. The use of the term "fetus" generally implies that an embryo has developed to the point of being recognizable as a human; this is the point usually taken to be the ninth week after fertilization. A fetus is also characterized by the presence of all the major body organs, though they will not yet be fully developed and functional and some not yet situated in their final anatomical location.
The word fetus (plural fetuses) is from the Latin fētus (“offspring”, “bringing forth”, “hatching of young”). The British, Irish, and Commonwealth spelling is foetus, which has been in use since at least 1594. It arose as a hypercorrection based on an incorrect etymology (i.e. due to insufficient knowledge of Latin) that may have originated with an error by Isidore of Seville in AD 620. This spelling is the most common in most Commonwealth nations, except in the medical literature, where fetus is used. The etymologically accurate original spelling fetus is used in Canada and the United States. In addition, fetus is now the standard English spelling throughout the world in medical journals. The spelling faetus was used historically.
Foetus is the primary musical outlet of J. G. Thirlwell. Until 1995 the band underwent various name changes, all including the word foetus. Monikers adopted at different times include Foetus Under Glass, You've Got Foetus on Your Breath and Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel. After 1995 the name permanently became Foetus, though the related project The Foetus Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1997 and continues.
Thirlwell acts as the sole instrumentalist, vocalist, songwriter and producer for all Foetus works and as such is the only member of the band. Other artists may occasionally collaborate with Thirlwell on Foetus works but are not considered members of Foetus. Thirlwell is solely responsible for the musical output of the band.
J. G. Thirlwell has many side-projects, in which he frequently goes by the name Clint Ruin. One such grouping is Wiseblood with former Swans member Roli Mosimann. The material tends toward the realm of the darkest and most sexual Foetus songs, with Mosimann's Swans lineage showing in the slow, crushing pacing of many tracks. Thematically, Wiseblood's lyrics center around the misanthropic exertion of power, typically via murder, sex or assault. Wiseblood existed on-and-off from the mid-1980s through early 1990s.
Foetus (Hungarian: A magzat) is a 1994 Hungarian drama film directed by Márta Mészáros. It was entered into the 44th Berlin International Film Festival.
Satan (Hebrew: שָּׂטָן satan, meaning "adversary";Arabic: شيطان shaitan, meaning; "astray", "distant", or sometimes "devil") is a figure appearing in the texts of the Abrahamic religions who brings evil and temptation, and is known as the deceiver who leads humanity astray. Some religious groups teach that he originated as an angel who fell out of favor with God, seducing humanity into the ways of sin, and who has power in the fallen world. In the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, Satan is primarily an accuser and adversary, a decidedly malevolent entity, also called the devil, who possesses demonic qualities.
In Theistic Satanism, Satan is considered a positive force and deity who is either worshipped or revered. In LaVeyan Satanism, Satan is regarded as holding virtuous characteristics.
The original Hebrew term satan is a noun from a verb meaning primarily "to obstruct, oppose", as it is found in Numbers 22:22, 1 Samuel 29:4, Psalms 109:6.Ha-Satan is traditionally translated as "the accuser" or "the adversary". The definite article ha- (English: "the") is used to show that this is a title bestowed on a being, versus the name of a being. Thus, this being would be referred to as "the satan".
The following is a list of recurring characters in the animated television series South Park. This does not include the school children, family members or the school staff.
"Al Gore" (voiced by Trey Parker in the "ManBearPig" episode and Matt Stone in "The Red Badge of Gayness" episode) is the former Vice President of the United States and also tries to alert the children of South Park of a mystical creature named "ManBearPig". He constantly says "I'm super cereal!" and "excelsior!" during certain situations; he also appears to be ignorant and insecure.
Gore also appears in during the Imaginationland saga where he's shown wearing a red cape and yelling "excelsior!"; he also appears in the South Park: The Stick of Truth video game.
Big Gay Al (speaking voice Matt Stone, singing voice Trey Parker) is a stereotypical homosexual man known for his flamboyant and positive demeanor. For example, he almost always responds to the greeting "How are you?" with an upbeat "I'm super! Thanks for asking!" At one point in the show, he runs an animal farm for gay animals who have been rejected by homophobic pet owners. He temporarily adopted Sparky, Stan's gay dog, who had run away from home. Later on in the episode, his large shelter vanishes, but the various animals remained, and were adopted by their former owners who had missed them greatly. Ever since, he has been a particularly good friend to Stan, and is one of the few people in South Park who are genuinely nice.
In Islam, the Devil is known as Iblīs (Arabic: إبليس, plural: ابالسة abālisah), Shayṭān (Arabic: شيطان, plural: شياطين shayāṭīn) or Shaitan. In Islam, Iblis is a jinn who refused to bow to Adam.
The primary characteristic of the Devil is hubris. His primary activity is to incite humans and jinn to commit evil through deception, which is referred to as "whispering into the hearts". The Quran mentions that Satans are the assistants of those who disbelieve in God: "We have made the evil ones friends to those without faith."
The term Iblis (Arabic: إِبْلِيس) is probably altered from Ancient Greek διάβολος (diábolos), also the ultimate source of English devil. Islamic tradition derives it from the Arabic verbal root بَلَسَ (balasa, "he despaired"). The term Shaytan (Arabic: شَيْطَان) has the same origin as Hebrew שָׂטָן (Sātān), source of the English Satan.
In popular Islamic culture, "Shaytan" (Arabic: شيطان), is often simply translated as "the Devil", but the term can refer to any of the jinn who disobey God and follow Iblīs. Some scholars are of the view that Iblīs is the father of all of the jinn, just as Adam is the father of all of humanity as mentioned in the Quran (sura 18, Al-Kahf), "Will you then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me? And they are enemies to you!"
We saw a sign Welcome Satan Place when we moved to town that day
And rows of little white homes that looked like castles all along the way
But after livin' there a while we found it wasn't what we thought at all
They had a private little scandal goin' on behind each castle wall
There was a Town Council meetin' on the day the story come to pass
Someone said Mrs Brown we think your little girl is livin' way too fast
She's been datin' older boys and stayin' out much later than she should
And there's been quite a lotta talk about it goin' round the neighborhood
Well Mrs Brown said since you brought it up I think I'll tell you what I saw
The day your daughter Ellie and the judge's son went swimmin' in the raw
Is that supposed to be a party what you call learnin' social grace
Cause if it is I think your people are in trouble here in Satan Place
I heard your neighbor's daughter Betty spent the summer in another town
They say she gained a little weight before she left but now she's trimmed back down
And now I wonder why the banker's son won't even look her in the face
We used to see 'em both together everywhere they went in Satan Place
They say the Mayor's daughter got another speedin' ticket just last week
They didn't charge for drunken drivin' even though she couldn't hardly speak
I heard she brags about the way her daddy gets free liquor by the case
From all those bootleggin' friends who make a killin' here in Satan Place
When Mrs Brown had finished talkin' no one dared to make a single sound
Until the chairman of the meetin' rapped his gavel and looked around
And as his eyes swept across the room at guilty looks on every face
He said that wraps up this meetin' of the Council of Satan Place