
The Santalaceae, sandalwoods, are a widely distributed family of flowering plants (including small trees, shrubs, perennial herbs, and epiphytic climbers) which, like other members of Santalales, are partially parasitic on other plants. Its flowers are bisexual or, by abortion ("flower drop"), unisexual. Modern treatments of the Santalaceae include the family Viscaceae (mistletoes), previously considered distinct.

The APG II system of 2003 recognises the family and assigns it to the order Santalales in the clade core eudicots. However, the circumscription by APG is much wider than accepted by previous classifications, including the plants earlier treated in families Eremolepidaceae and Viscaceae. It includes about 1,000 species.

  • Acanthosyris
  • Amphorogyne
  • Anthobolus
  • Antidaphne (previously Eremolepidaceae)
  • Arceuthobium (previously Viscaceae)
  • Buckleya
  • Cervantesia Ruiz & Pavón
  • Choretrum R.Br.
  • Cladomyza
  • Comandra Nutt.
  • Daenikera
  • Dendromyza
  • Dendrophthora (previously Viscaceae)
  • Dendrotrophe
  • Dufrenoya
  • Podcasts:


    Santa Lucia

    by: Perry Como

    Sul mare luccica l'astro d'argento
    placida é l'onda
    prospero il vento
    Sul mare luccica l'astro d'argento
    placida é l'onda
    prospero il vento
    Venite all'argine
    barchette mie
    Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia
    Venite all'argine
    barchette mie
    Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia
    Soft winds caress the sea,
    Breezes so tender,
    Make every dancing wave,
    Gladly surrender!
    Days here are heavenly,
    Nights are pure ecstasy,
    Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
    Venite all'argine
    barchette mie
    Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia
