Santa Fiora is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Grosseto, in the Italian region of Tuscany, located about 110 kilometres (68 miles) southeast of Florence and about 40 km (25 mi) east of Grosseto. Santa Fiora borders the following municipalities: Abbadia San Salvatore, Arcidosso, Castel del Piano, Castell'Azzara, Piancastagnaio, Roccalbegna, Semproniano. In the Middle Age and during the Modern Era Santa Fiora was the capital of an independent State, the County of Santa Fiora.
Santa Fiora is mentioned for the first time in 890 AD, in a document listing properties of the Abbey of San Salvatore, Sforza Cesarini Archive Rome. By the eleventh century the lords of Santa Fiore were the Aldobrandeschi who, in 1082, started the construction of a castle here (Castello S. Flore) and walled the borgo. The power of the abbey passed by degrees to the Aldobrandeschi conti di San Fire, and in turn to the hegemony in Lower Tuscany of the commune of Siena, which was strong influence on Santa Fiora by the mid fourteenth century, a future already foreseen by Dante: "e vedrai Santafior com' è oscura", "and you shall see how obscure is Santa Fiore" (Purgatorio, canto VI, 111). In 1493, with the marriage of Cecilia Aldobrandeschi and Bosio Sforza, the castello and its town passed to the Sforza. The Sforza of Santa Fiora reached their highest point of power with count Guido Sforza di Santa Fiora, who managed to establish himself as a relative of Pope Paul III Farnese, thereby gaining prestigious political positions for his relatives. Later the family became the Sforza Cesarini, who are still well represented and living in their Roman Palazzo Sforza Cesarini. The sovereign rights of the small state of Santa Fiora were sold to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany under Leopold II though all feudal rights remained to the Family.
Mañosa by Santa Feriache! viste mañosa
Queria cumbia casera! (santa feria) x2
Mi amor, hechemo una arranca
Vamo pa' san antonio la caleta del amor
Despue' paseando por la playa
Mojemonos las patitas
Bajo la arena, bajo el sol
Bajo la luna te hago el amor
Veo en tu rostro esa nota de amargura
Sera que la belleza hoy a mi se me desafino
Presiento que la noche esta llegando a tu avenida
Sera que enojadita, sera que angustiadita
O quiza mañosita...
Te me has puesto hoy
(Y como sufre mi guitarra)
(Mauri sound)
Mañosa, mañosita
No me venga con los problemas ahorita
Yo quiero bailar, cantar y reir
Contigo al ladito me quiero morir
Mañosa, mañosita
(Si no te gusto la puerta es bien anchita)
Si tu ya no me quiere, date la media vuelta y no me esperes
(Y el sonido pokemon de mi trombon)
Espero una cosa antes de salir
Cuida mis sentimientos porque me puedo aburrir
Nunca te he traicionado, nunca hubo decepcion
Si asi naci feito, narigon y desafinadito