A sanity test or sanity check is a basic test to quickly evaluate whether a claim or the result of a calculation can possibly be true. It is a simple check to see if the produced material is rational (that the material's creator was thinking rationally, applying sanity). The point of a sanity test is to rule out certain classes of obviously false results, not to catch every possible error. A rule-of-thumb may be checked to perform the test. The advantage of a sanity test, over performing a complete or rigorous test, is speed.
In arithmetic, for example, when multiplying by 9, using the divisibility rule for 9 to verify that the sum of digits of the result is divisible by 9 is a sanity test—it will not catch every multiplication error, however it's a quick and simple method to discover many possible errors.
In computer science, a sanity test is a very brief run-through of the functionality of a computer program, system, calculation, or other analysis, to assure that part of the system or methodology works roughly as expected. This is often prior to a more exhaustive round of testing.
Let's 1 2 3 5
I'm a banana as you see (ori ori ori)
and I'm singing now the summer hit (ori ori ori)
I'm not a leader baby
but now i'm… (go! go! go!)
Out of here outta fight
'cause i won't be Nonlinear
Tell me now what is right
when shit is now a Nonlinear way....
So i write, enclosed two years so tight
I write, I swear off light, no kites can't touch the things i've grown,
that's how my story's gone
well I'm so proud and i won't (be) anymore
non sento risolversi l'attimo
l cried, I tried, "don't harm me in white"
e sfuggo al mio tempo un momento
E dico basta con l'università a pezzi
dico basta alla gente svogliata da pazzi
io no così non voglio restare
non riesco più a legger neanche il giornale
and i say "stop it", to universities stoned
i say "stop it" to people that want no work
this bus stop it's not right (on) my way
no news no t.v. shows no pray
(Io non sopporto.. i Palco Oscenico)
Io non sopporto le forbici a punta arrotondata
mi ha regalato quelle e l'ho lasciata
e con il vinavil io le ho incollato il suo Quablock
e per il diario dovrà fare l'autostop
ed è rimasta pure senza mine
le ho rotte tutte dentro le sue merendine
che torni pure sull'isola che non c'è, io