Sanity check

A sanity test or sanity check is a basic test to quickly evaluate whether a claim or the result of a calculation can possibly be true. It is a simple check to see if the produced material is rational (that the material's creator was thinking rationally, applying sanity). The point of a sanity test is to rule out certain classes of obviously false results, not to catch every possible error. A rule-of-thumb may be checked to perform the test. The advantage of a sanity test, over performing a complete or rigorous test, is speed.

In arithmetic, for example, when multiplying by 9, using the divisibility rule for 9 to verify that the sum of digits of the result is divisible by 9 is a sanity test—it will not catch every multiplication error, however it's a quick and simple method to discover many possible errors.

In computer science, a sanity test is a very brief run-through of the functionality of a computer program, system, calculation, or other analysis, to assure that part of the system or methodology works roughly as expected. This is often prior to a more exhaustive round of testing.



Sentt Qst

by: Nonlinear

Let's 1 2 3 5
I'm a banana as you see (ori ori ori)
and I'm singing now the summer hit (ori ori ori)
I'm not a leader baby
but now i'm… (go! go! go!)
Out of here outta fight
'cause i won't be Nonlinear
Tell me now what is right
when shit is now a Nonlinear way....
So i write, enclosed two years so tight
I write, I swear off light, no kites can't touch the things i've grown,
that's how my story's gone
well I'm so proud and i won't (be) anymore
non sento risolversi l'attimo
l cried, I tried, "don't harm me in white"
e sfuggo al mio tempo un momento
E dico basta con l'università a pezzi
dico basta alla gente svogliata da pazzi
io no così non voglio restare
non riesco più a legger neanche il giornale
and i say "stop it", to universities stoned
i say "stop it" to people that want no work
this bus stop it's not right (on) my way
no news no t.v. shows no pray
(Io non sopporto.. i Palco Oscenico)
Io non sopporto le forbici a punta arrotondata
mi ha regalato quelle e l'ho lasciata
e con il vinavil io le ho incollato il suo Quablock
e per il diario dovrà fare l'autostop
ed è rimasta pure senza mine
le ho rotte tutte dentro le sue merendine
che torni pure sull'isola che non c'è, io

Latest News for: sanity test

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... of complex issues and maintain sanity.”. Leslie said any event that can stand the test of time and bring people together from different backgrounds and perspectives is critically needed.

'The Assessment' is deliciously harrowing, but doesn't quite stick the landing

Azcentral 20 Mar 2025
I liked it ... So it goes, with increasingly bizarre tests that require superhuman patience ... There will be tests of their marriage, of their love, even of their sanity, all of which Fortuné compellingly depicts, making the building pressure agonizing.

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The Observer 20 Mar 2025
It will be a test for Labour, which has brought some sanity to the UK’s relationship with the EU but not otherwise sought to redraw the post-Brexit settlement ... But the events of last month have given the European defence effort a far greater urgency ... .

A Place In The Sun star Danni Menzies reveals secret fondness for flashing as she ...

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She has also previously discussed her reason for undergoing the tests, saying ... Danni also touched upon her own hopes of having a family, stating that having piece of mind from fertility tests had ‘saved her sanity’.

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Scheerpost 12 Mar 2025
And Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity ran a test led by William Binney, a former technical director of the National Security Agency, which showed that the DNC emails had to be locally downloaded and not sent over the internet.

What to watch: 2 amazing, if gritty, series debut this week

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Here’s our roundup. “Adolescence... Details ... “Dope Thief” ... As the violence escalates, the more affable Ray and the more emotionally brittle Manny see their friendship and sanity tested, setting off an explosive chain of reckless events ... .

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