Famous quotes by Sandra Lee:
"The five-day-or-less program offers pet owners a reasonable option to actual quarantine, and the high airport release rate indicates that most pet owners are able to comply with the requirements of the program,"
"Semi-Homemade Cooking with Sandra Lee."
"Japan's assertions that this whaling is necessary for scientific research purposes are unfounded,"
"My audience knows me, and I wear beautiful clothes as a badge of honor. They remember where I came from."
"I can certainly be part of the socialite group and walk those carpets every day, but I choose not to because I prefer to be grounded. You can't be at home and on the red carpet."
"When I'm really stressed out, I go to church. I light candles and sit and pray. And I'll ask myself, What's the lesson? Why am I going through this? There's got to be a reason I'm here. What am I supposed to learn?"
"Nobody makes bouillabaisse from scratch. It's all a bunch of malarkey. Even the restaurants buy a commercial-grade product. I had a very famous chef tell me that."
"The women are at an advantage - we represent the buying power in this country."
"Lack of sleep makes me less productive. I need a good seven or eight hours a night."
"When you're young, you think you can do anything, and that was really a gift. That's why I can never understand someone telling me 'no' today. 'No' just isn't an option."
"I'm not sure that some of the food purists are in touch with what really goes on in American households."
"Yes, I love white, and I'd wear it all the time if I could. Some people think I have an issue with cleanliness, but to me it's just so pretty."
"I think women today are so overwhelmed and overtaxed."
"Christmas is more stressful with present buying and making sure everyone gets included, but Thanksgiving is really not that. I don't ever really get stressed out about the food."
"My years of living the jet-set life were fun, but they weren't fulfilling. The perks and benefits were lovely, but all of the fabulous furs, fancy jewelry and fun fetes simply weren't enough to fill my soul."
"I always buy the smaller turkeys. On the pre-baste put pats of butter on the meat under the skin, put the skin back on, put a bunch of seasoning on the top, call it a day, put it in the oven. With a 10 - 12 pound turkey you are done in a couple of hours."
"Baking is how you start kids at cooking in the kitchen. It's fun whether it's baking bread or cookies. With baking, you have to be exact when it comes to ingredients."