Sandite is a substance used on railways in the UK, Ireland,US and the Netherlands to combat leaves on the line, which can cause train wheels to slip and become damaged with flat spots. Sandite consists of a mixture of sand, aluminium and a unique type of adhesive.
Leaf build up on the railhead can also cause signalling issues and 'disappearing trains' on the rail control systems (because of the electrically insulating effect of the leaves, which can prevent operation of track circuits).
British Rail conducted research, in 1976, to determine the suitability of Sandite for use as an adhesion improver.
Sandite is usually applied by a special train which first clears fallen leaves from the rails using high-pressure water, then sprays the sandite onto the rail surface. In order to assist the staff on the Sandite train in locating the sites concerned, in England and Wales black on yellow lineside markers were installed:
Ladies and Gentlemen!
May I have your attention please?
Do you wake every morning in shame and despair
To discover your pillow is covered with hair...
What ought not to be there?
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
From now on you can waken at ease!
You need never again have a worry or care,
I will show you a miracle marvelous rare!
Gentlemen, you are about to see something what rose
from the dead--!
...On the top of my head!
Twas Pirelli's Miracle Elixir
That's what did the trick, sir,
True, sir, true.
Was it quick, sir? Did it in a tick, sir!
Just like an elixir ought to do!
How about a bottle, mister?
Only costs a penny, guaranteed!
Does Pirelli's stimulate the growth, sir?
You can have my oath, sir, 'tis unique.
Rub a minute - stimulatin', in'it?
Soon you'll have to thin it once a week!
Pardon me, ma'am, what's that awful stench?
Mrs. Lovett:
Are we standing near an open trench?
(Sweeney: Are we standing near an open trench?)
(Mrs. Lovett: Pardon me, sir, what's that awful stench?
Buy Pirelli's Miracle elixir
Anything wot's slick, sir,
Soon sprouts curls.
Try Pirelli's; when they see how thick, sir,
You can have your pick, sir, of the girls!
Toby: Wanna buy a bottle, missus?
Sweeney: What is this?
Mrs. Lovett: What is this?
Sweeney: Smells like piss...
Mrs. Lovett: Smells like "EW!"
Sweeney: Looks like piss...
(Mrs. Lovett: Wouldn't touch it if I were you, dear!)
Sweeney: This is piss, piss with ink.
Let Pirelli's activate your roots, sir--
Keep it off your boots, sir! Eats right through!
YES, get Pirelli's, use a bottle of it; ladies seem to
love it--
Mrs. Lovett: