Sandhai Muslims
The Sandhai (or Sindhi) Muslim are a community found in the state of Gujarat in India . They are one of a number of communities of pastoral nomads found in the Banni region of Kutch.
History and origin
The Sandhai are said to emigrated about 300 years ago, from Sindh to Kutch and Saurashtra. In Saurashtra, they are found mainly in Junagadh District. They speak Kutchi, with many Sindhi loanwords.
Present circumstances
The Sandhai are an endogamous community, and are divided into eighty two clans. They do not practice clan exogamy, except the Hala and Shetha clans. Their major clans include the Sameja, Samma, Jadeja, Nareja, Dal, Gothi, Solanki, Virsa, Theba, Nayi, Bafars, Hala, Shetha, and Khokhar. Some of these clans such as the Jadeja, Nareja and Solanki claim Rajput ancestry.
The Sandhai of Kutch are a community of Maldhari cattle breeders. They take their cattle to bazaars of Bhuj. In addition to cattle rearing, they also raise goats and buffaloes. Like other Kutchi communities, many of them have migrated to other parts of India in search of employment. They are Sunni Muslims and most follow the Barelvi tradition. In Saurashtra, the Sandhai are mainly farmers, living in their own settlements. They have a statewide association, the Akhil Saurashtra Sindhi Muslim Vikas Jamat, which deals with community issues.