Sanctuary Woods Multimedia, Inc. was a Canadian-American multimedia developer and third-party game publisher. It was one of the early multimedia companies developing products for CD-ROM distribution. The founders, Brian Beninger and Toni Beninger, were both experienced technologists who saw the potential for developing family-oriented and educational multimedia projects when Apple Inc. released Hypercard.
It published two games developed together with actress Shelley Duvall — It's a Bird's Life and It's a Dog's Life.
It also published some well-known titles developed by Presto Studios.
PlymouthSugar Shack at City Park will boil sap from the park's trees ... The sap evaporator is wood-fired ... An open-door BirdSanctuary will be featured and chainsaw wood carver Zac Koenig will be giving demonstrations. Gary C.
Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument and AMCMaine Woods.“Dark Sky Places” are preserved through responsible lighting policies and public education to “safeguard the right of any citizen to enjoy the vision of the starred sky.”.
The restaurant specialises in traditional Spanish fare such as suckling pig. ALAMY ... The gold-leaf lettering on the hoarding that bears its name above a heavy wood-panelled façade promises diners they are entering a castizo, or traditional, sanctuary ... .
It began with him and a few other former High RockChurch members getting together at ShannonWoods' home for a weekly Bible study... About 60 church members cleaned their new sanctuary last week in anticipation of their first service.
A giant crane swings its scoop from east to west and its operator picked up the bricks, wood and support structures that once formed the sanctuary of 701First Street, St. Peter MB Church. Pastor Billy D... However, plenty has happened ... Keyboard. Controls ... .
Video... Video ... Bold ... Amaryllis. Amaryllis is being shown by boat show exhibitor Merle Wood & Associates ... Described by exhibitor Merle Wood & Associates as a "floating sanctuary," it features expansive outdoor entertainment and relaxation areas.Skyfall.