Samhita (Sanskrit:संहिता ; sŭm'hĭt-ə,"compilation of knowledge" or "collection of Mantras or Hymns") may refer to:

Post-Vedic Samhitas: [link]

There are many well known books written in the post-vedic period, possibly after 6th century BC, also known as Samhitas or Sanhitas, because, the word “Samhita” means “Compilation of knowledge”. Vedic samhitas should not be confused with these samhitas of post-vedic period. And some of these post-vedic Samhitas are [2]:

References: [link]

  1. ^ Ancient Indian Scriptures
  2. ^ TRUTH- True understanding of the Hinduism: Hindu Scripture VI
  1. REDIRECT Samhitas Sanhitas

Samhita (organisation)

Samhita is an offshoot of the Nadathur Trust, a private investment firm founded by N. S. Raghavan, co-founder of Infosys. The group initially focused on Non Governmental Organisations to give them clarity, resources and a support group.


External links

  • Official website
  • Podcasts:



    by: Sammath

    strike down with great vengeance
    thrive in arrogance
    defiance of all
    strike down with hate
    light the flame of heaten pride
    onwards to hell
    spoils of war
    burn in the fire
    burn the cross of wrath
    only hell awaits
    I shall forever burn in the fire
    only hell awaits total annihilation
    light the flame
    swing the axe of war
    streams of fire from the sky
