Samauga is a village on the central north coast of Savai'i island in Samoa. The village is in the electoral district of Gagaifomauga.
The village population is about 330 (2006). There is a primary school, a church and several small local stores with the main road passing through the village. At the east end is the village of Safotu and on the west side, the road heads towards Lefagaoali'i and Safune. There is a turnoff in the village to the inland village of Paia.
From 2006–2009, the women's committee (Komiti a Tina ma Tamaitai) in the village have been working with the Ministry of Agriculture, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and South Pacific Business Development towards improving agricultural methods in the village. The impact of land clearance for subsistence agriculture has resulted in soil salinity. A key project has been to phase out the use of pesticides while diversifying crops for organic gardening and traditional medicinal plants. Part of the community initiative includes the development of income-generating micro-schemes for women and the potential of sustainable cultural tourism.
The sun peaked at noon
I watched it hoping it would rise
Just a little higher
And give me a guiding light
A guiding light
I must admit I felt some relief
When the sun began to sink
I mean who really wants to see
Things in blinding white
Blinding white
It grows dark
I feel my way home
Sleep if you can sleep
Me I'll be staying up
Long into the night
Trying to prove wrong
All the statements I made
All the statements I just made
A guiding light
You were born in the middle of the night