Samanyolu TV
Samanyolu TV is an international Turkish language TV station, with its headquarters in Istanbul.
Samanyolu TV was previously owned by Yayıncılık A.Ş. Yayıncılık A.Ş. is a media company that operates radio and television broadcasting, publication and distribution of newspapers. The first satellite service for Samanyolu TV was aired towards Central Asia. Samanyolu TV proceeded into North America by 1999, with Turksat as its new mainstream satellite operator. Samanyolu TV has later created two official websites for Turkish origins of both, North American audiences, and Turkish audiences . These two websites also include online streaming (“CANLI YAYIN”) and social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube in 2005-2013.
Naming and influences
Samanyolu TV is generally assumed that it has adopted the name (meaning Milky Way in English) with religious connotation. In essence Milky Way pedals the notion of a "other" universe aside from the present world. One may see that the title of the television station plays an important role for the list of programs it airs for its audiences. Samanyolu TV contains several BBC programs that pertains heavy emphasis on culture, politics, and utmost religion. Samanyolu TV is funded by many individuals and companies. But the most constructive Spacetoon contribution is led by Fethullah Gülen. Gülen is a well-known Turkish Muslim preacher, scholar and author. Gülen is currently living in exile in the United States, due to the formation of the Gülen Movement which has had much controversy and criticism in Turkey. For more information regarding this movement please refer to Yavuz M. Hakan Turkish Islam and the Secular State.