Famous quotes by Sam Raimi:
"I realized what interested me as a student of film was one thing and the movies that I liked were another."
"I think she said I should seek help. Something like that, but it was in much cruder terms. And that I had a fascination with things coming out of people's mouths."
"When you make the audience the critic, though, when you start asking them to speak about the film, all these weird moments that are way out of the ordinary, that we do a lot of in our pictures, they don't hold up to critical analysis from an untrained professional critic very well."
"Nowadays everyone's got the nose rings and the colored hair, so for me to wear the suit and tie is a different way to go."
"That's what heroic stories do for us. They show us the way. They remind us of the good we are capable of."
"I don't like shows, I don't like to put on a show, I just really want to work intimately with my actors."
"I said to my agent, 'Is there any way I can get on the list to direct this thing?"
"It seemed like in the States, you could make a cheap movie if it was a horror movie, and it could look crumby without production value and still be effective for a sale, the audience would still be frightened by it and they wouldn't react badly to its cheap quality. So that's why we made a horror movie."
"[Beginning at 2 p.m., fans were treated to a horror-film convention, including collectibles for sale and special guests signing autographs. At night, however, the Flashback Weekend truly came to new life with a dusk-to-dawn film festival, including Wes Craven's] The Last House on the Left ... Evil Dead II."
"If a remake is not good, no one wants to see it and, again, it doesn't hurt the original."
"I don't like movies about serial killers, necessarily; it's too real and unpleasant for me."