Saltwort is a common name for various genera of flowering plants that thrive in salty environments, typically in coastal salt marshes and seashores, including:
See also glasswort – glassworts are saltworts, and saltworts can be glassworts
See also Saltbush aka Atriplex, a genus thriving in salty environments
Solidarity love and unity
Set me free with a bullet and a gun
You said it was nothing
I knew it was something
It was no surprisin' i saw you cryin?
About you
Said what went wrong
About you
Said you can't go on
About you
Said it's a long time gone
About you
Said your life's too long
Solidarity love and unity
Set me free with a bullet and a gun
Didn't see it coming
Your fears went hunting
9 millimeter
stops you running
About you
Now you're long time gone
About you
So what went wrong
Solidarity love and unity