Salem's Seven are a fictional team of magical beings and former supervillains appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. They were initially foes of the Scarlet Witch and the Fantastic Four, but in more recent years, they have become allies to both. All seven are the children of Nicholas Scratch and the grandchildren of Agatha Harkness. They are humans with magic powers who can transform into fantastic creatures with super-powers.
The team first appeared in Fantastic Four vol. 1 #186 (September 1977), and was created by Len Wein and George Pérez.
The team subsequently appears in Fantastic Four Annual #14 (1979), Fantastic Four #223 (October 1980), The Vision and the Scarlet Witch #3 (December 1985), The Avengers 2000 Annual, Marvel Knights: 4 #25-27 (February–April 2006), and Four #30 (August 2006).
The team has an entry named "Salem's Seven" in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #19.