Salah ("Muslim prayer", Arabic: صلاة ṣalāh or gen: ṣalāt; pl. صلوات ṣalawāt, Persian: نماز, Turkish: Namaz) is one of the Five Pillars of the faith of Islam and an obligatory religious duty for every Muslim. It is a physical, mental and spiritual act of worship that is observed five times every day at prescribed times. In this ritual, the worshiper starts standing, bows, prostrates, and concludes while sitting on the ground. During each posture, the worshiper recites or reads certain verses, phrases and prayers. The word salah is commonly translated to prayer but this definition might be confusing. Muslims use the words "Dua" or "Supplication" when referring to the common definition of prayers which is "reverent petitions made to God."
Salah is preceded by ritual ablution. Salah consists of the repetition of a unit called a rakʿah (pl. rakaʿāt) consisting of prescribed actions and words. The number of obligatory (fard) rakaʿāt varies from two to four according to the time of day or other circumstances (such as Friday congregational worship, which has two rakats). Prayer is obligatory for all Muslims except those who are prepubescent, menstruating, or are experiencing bleeding in the 40 days after childbirth. Every movement in the salah is accompanied by the takbir except the standing between the ruku and sujud, and the ending which has a derivation of the Muslim greeting As-salamu alaykum.
Salah, also spelled salat, is the practice of formal worship and prayer in Islam.
Salah may also refer to:
Salah (Persian: صلاح, also Romanized as Şalāḩ; also known as Şalāt and Şelāt) is a village in Garmab Rural District, Chahardangeh District, Sari County, Mazandaran Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 122, in 24 families.
Slama ini kau masih merasa
aku slalu menantimu
2 minggu kau tak menghampiri
karna kau dengan yang lain
ibanya hatiku sayang
karena pikiranmu salah slama ini
setiap kau tak datang sayang
padahal aku tak pernah ada di rumah
slama ini akupun mendua
tapi kau tak tau sayang
pikirmu kau yang menyakitiku
bukan bukan kamu sayang
chorus :
slalu kubilang
aku tak sebaik kau pikir
tak pernah kunantikan kamu
kucinta kamu bukan berarti
ku tak mendua