Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT) is an Indian non-profit and non-governmental organization which provides support for street and working children in the inner cities of New Delhi, and Mumbai. It was established in 1988 with the proceeds from the 1988 film Salaam Bombay! directed by Mira Nair, which was about the lives and vulnerabilities of street children. The name Salaam Baalak Trust translates literally as "salute the child". Programs at SBT include repatriation, providing education (formal education, informal education and open learning), basic literacy and schooling, full care facilities for the young (up to 18 years), drop-in shelters for older children, physical and mental health care, life-skills education, vocational training, sports, job placement and counselling in HIV/AIDS and TB awareness.
Today, SBT runs five 24-hour full care shelters for children, of which two are devoted to girls (Arushi and Rose Home) in Delhi, thirteen contact points mostly near railway stations and a 24-hour toll-free helpline service (1098), catering to children in distress all over India, in all looking after 5,000 children every year. Salaam Baalak Trust children, who have been trained in theatre, dance and puppetry, are giving performances all over the world