
Saint-Roch may refer to:

In Canada:

  • Saint-Roch, Quebec City, a neighbourhood of Quebec City
  • Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan, Quebec, a municipality
  • Saint-Roch-de-Mékinac, Quebec, a municipality
  • Saint-Roch-de-Richelieu, Quebec, a municipality
  • Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Quebec, a municipality
  • Saint-Roch-Ouest, Quebec, a municipality
  • In France:

  • Saint-Roch, Indre-et-Loire, a commune in the Indre-et-Loire department
  • Saint-Roch-sur-Égrenne, a commune in the Orne department in north-western France
  • Church of Saint-Roch, Paris, a late Baroque church in Paris
  • See also

  • Roch (disambiguation)
  • Saint-Roch, Quebec City

    Saint-Roch is a neighbourhood in the borough of La Cité in Quebec City, Canada. Once a working-class neighbourhood, it has been redeveloped in recent years.

    Saint-Roch was first settled in 1620 by the Recollects, who built a small church dedicated to Saint Roch. Today the Église Saint-Roch is the largest in Quebec City. Later, a few houses were built near what is now the Gare du Palais. In the first half of the 19th century, Saint-Roch was a shipbuilding site. Later, the district saw the development of retail and manufacturing activity. From the mid-19th century to the 1960s, the rue Saint-Joseph was the principal commercial street in Quebec City. In the 1960s, with shoppers attracted to suburban shopping centres, a good part of the street was covered with a roof of concrete and plexiglass in 1974. Demolition of this mall began in the 1990s and was finished in 2007 which led to increased commercial activity. Since the year 2000, 380 million dollars have been invested in the district to renovate and reconstruct most of the buildings in rue Saint-Joseph.

    Saint Roch

    Saint Roch or Rocco lived c. 1348 – 15/16 August 1376/79 (traditionally c. 1295 16 August 1327) was a Catholic saint, a confessor whose death is commemorated on 16 August; he is specially invoked against the plague. He may also be called Rock in English, and has the designation of St Rollox in Glasgow, Scotland, said to be a corruption of St Roch's Loch. He is a patron saint of dogs and falsely accused people, among other things.


    Saint Roch is given different names in various languages: (Arabic: روكز; Albanian: Shën Rroku; German and Latin: Rochus; Occitan: Ròc; Valencian: Roc; Italian: Rocco; French: Roch; Maltese: Rokku; Polish: Roch; Spanish, Filipino and Portuguese: Roque; Slovak: Roch or Rochus; Slovene: Rok; Croatian: Rok or Roko; Hungarian: Rókus; Greek: Ρόκκος; Lithuanian: Rokas).

    Traditional biography

    According to his Acta and his vita in the Golden Legend, he was born at Montpellier, at that time "upon the border of France", as the Golden Legend has it, the son of the noble governor of that city. Even his birth was accounted a miracle, for his noble mother had been barren until she prayed to the Virgin Mary. Miraculously marked from birth with a red cross on his breast that grew as he did, he early began to manifest strict asceticism and great devoutness; on days when his "devout mother fasted twice in the week, and the blessed child Rocke abstained him twice also, when his mother fasted in the week, and would suck his mother but once that day".

