Sailfish OS (also styled as SailfishOS or abbreviated to SFOS) is a mobile operating system combining the Linux kernel for a particular hardware platform use, the open source Mer core middleware, the proprietary UI contributed by Jolla, and other third party components.
Sailfish is being developed by Jolla and the Sailfish community and Mer project communities, corporate members of the Sailfish Alliance and various open community members. The Sailfish community makes development requests and decides development priorities by voting. The Mer project receives contributions from the Jolla and its community, and Mer is the source of middleware for Jolla, thereby continuous development and compatibility of both projects is maintained.
The OS is shipped from Jolla with the Jolla smartphone and Jolla Tablet and from other vendors licensing the OS. More or less unofficially is being ported by community enthusiasts to third party mobile devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops.
We think about making a score
We think about a little bit more
While you suffer our selfish ways
While I look at your selfish face
Oh we can't think of anything else
So you suffer us alone on your shelf
Then you whisper your selfless praise
While you suffer our selfish ways
Oh, I'm sorry but we've gotta breathe
And I know it's not easy
Through all of these days
You chose my selfish ways
Oh, I know I'm not so sure
And I might not be so pure
But through all of these days
You suffered my selfish ways
And you love it!
Darling, I'll bring you fire wood
But I will burn your house down
(And I will follow him
I'll take his wood away)
Darling, I'll bring you fire wood
But I will burn your house down
(And I will follow him down
I'll take his wood away)
Oh yeah, we think about making a score
And we think about a little bit more
While you suffer our selfish ways
While I look at your elfish face
Oh, we can't think of anything else
So you suffer us alone on the shelf
And I'd be better, I'd be better, I'd be better...
If you let go of my tether
Oh, my darling, I'll bring you fire wood
But I will burn your house down
(And I will follow him down
I'll take his wood away)
Darling, I'll bring you fire wood
But I will burn your house down
(And I will follow him down
I'll take his wood away)
To the ground.
Oh, I'm sorry
Yeah, I really am
If I cut your heart to ribbons
I'm not really that kind of man
But you love it!
Oh, my darling, I'll bring you fire wood
But I will burn your house down
(And I will follow him down
I'll take his wood away)
Darling, I'll bring you fire wood
But I will only let you down
(And I will follow him