Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Nation
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Nation is a federally recognized band of Chippewa (aka Ojibwe) and Odawa Indians located in central Michigan in the United States. These were two of the three tribes who were part of the Council of Three Fires. The third were the Potawatomi people.
The tribal government offices are located on the Isabella Indian Reservation, near the city of Mount Pleasant in Isabella County. They also hold land on the Saganing reservation near Standish. As of February 2007, tribal membership was approximately 3,296. The 2010 US Census reports 2,414 persons living in the Mount Pleasant, Michigan micropolitan area are Native American. The tribe operates the Saginawa Chippewa Tribal College, a 2-year community college open to all in the region.
The tribe owns and operates Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant and Saganing Eagles Landing Casino in Standish. These generate revenue for investment in education and welfare for the tribe, including such facilities as a new elders' center. Besides its gaming enterprises, the tribe owns the Sagamok Shell Station.