Safsaf (Arabic: صفصاف, the weeping willow, also known in Roman times as Safsofa) was a Palestinian village located 9 kilometres northwest of Safed, present-day Israel. Its villagers fled to Lebanon after the Safsaf massacre in October 1948, during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.
The village was called Safsofa in Roman times.
In the early sixteenth century CE, Safsaf was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire, and by 1596, it was a village in the nahiyah ("subdistrict") of Jira, part of Sanjak Safad. It had a population of 138, and it paid taxes on several agricultural items including wheat, barley, olives and fruits, as well as other types of produce, such as beehives and goats.
In the late nineteenth century, travellers reported that Safsaf was a small village situated on a plain, with a population of about 100. They also noted that "ornamented stones of a preexisting public building" had been built into the doorway of the village mosque. The villagers cultivated olive and fig trees and vineyards.
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En mi vida en mis sueños en mis
recuerdos la suavidad de esto relega tu cuerpo no hagas ningun
movimiento aspira sientelo con mi alma congelada he aprendido a
hacer frio amanece anochece no me mientas yo lo se yo te tengo no
me temas pensando (x2) multiplicas tus problemas... actua
actuemos ya es tiempo cerrando los ojos caes en esto solo se
entra nunca se sale entra en mi baile suave + suave.
Desarrollando mi gospel hip-hop Soul blacklan!!
En esto me encuetro cuento x cuento capitulo x mis titulos los
asusto bo bo!!no te metas en mis asuntos cuida bien tus putos
puto x truco truco x puta x plata ya basta de esos sucesos
fenomenos raperos sin respeto como quieres que estreche mis
manos? si de mi vas hablando si vas hablando de mi x fin me he
dado cuenta que la vida es fea que no es tan linda como la pintan
(x2) pistas esta es mi pista mi espacio mi acto blacklan saqueo
en el area del arte home boy firmes andanzas bienvenido a mi
danza (x2).
Desarrollando mi gospel hip-hop Soul blacklan!!
Los tiempos cambian las vidas cambian las almas viajan los
corazones se paran se separan cambian los superan a ver quien me
apuesta (x2)... yo soy tu lado oscuro poseido x mi estas el lugar
es indicado vamos a descansar en paz van a pensar en ti te van a
recordar pero no vas a estar suave + suave...