BIA or Bia may refer to:
Bia is a Neotropical genus of butterflies, named by Hübner in 1819. They are in the brush-footed butterfly family, Nymphalidae.
Arranged alphabetically.
In Greek mythology, Bia, (in Greek: Βία, "Violence"), was the personification of force and raw energy, daughter of Pallas and Styx, and sister of Nike, Kratos, and Zelus.
She and her siblings were constant companions of Zeus. They achieved this honour after supporting Zeus in the war of the Titans along with their mother. Bia is one of the characters named in the Greek tragedy Prometheus Bound, written by Aeschylus, where Hephaestus is compelled by the gods to bind Prometheus after he was caught stealing fire and offering the gift to mortals.
The Portuguese personal pronouns and possessives display a higher degree of inflection than other parts of speech. Personal pronouns have distinct forms according to whether they stand for a subject (nominative), a direct object (accusative), an indirect object (dative), or a reflexive object. Several pronouns further have special forms used after prepositions.
The possessive pronouns are the same as the possessive adjectives, but each is inflected to express the grammatical person of the possessor and the grammatical gender of the possessed.
Pronoun use displays considerable variation with register and dialect, with particularly pronounced differences between the most colloquial varieties of European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese.
The personal pronouns of Portuguese have three basic forms: subject, object (object of a verb), and prepositional (object of a preposition).
1direct object (masculine and feminine) 2indirect object 3reflexive or reciprocal, direct or indirect object
VOC may refer to:
The United East Indian Company (Dutch: Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie; VOC), referred to by the British as the Dutch East India Company, was originally established as a chartered company in 1602, when the Dutch government granted it a 21-year monopoly on Dutch spice trade. It is often considered to have been the first multinational corporation in the world and it was the first company to issue stock. It was a powerful company, possessing quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to wage war, imprison and execute convicts, negotiate treaties, strike its own coins, and establish colonies.
Statistically, the VOC eclipsed all of its rivals in the Asia trade. Between 1602 and 1796 the VOC sent almost a million Europeans to work in the Asia trade on 4,785 ships, and netted for their efforts more than 2.5 million tons of Asian trade goods. By contrast, the rest of Europe combined sent only 882,412 people from 1500 to 1795, and the fleet of the English (later British) East India Company, the VOC's nearest competitor, was a distant second to its total traffic with 2,690 ships and a mere one-fifth the tonnage of goods carried by the VOC. The VOC enjoyed huge profits from its spice monopoly through most of the 17th century.
This is an incomplete list of prominent characters from the Star Wars franchise, sorted by last name. Many of the characters listed below created for the original extended universe now called Legends. These are no longer are considered part of the Star Wars canon but remain on this list. While it's commonly considered that C-3PO and R2-D2 are the only Star Wars characters to be in all 7 movies, Obi-Wan Kenobi also appears in all of the films: during The Force Awakens, Ewan McGregor's voice can be heard saying the newly recorded dialogue "These are your first steps" while via archive recordings Alec Guinness says "Rey", both occur during a flashback caused by Rey's touching Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber. Before The Force Awakens, Anakin also appeared in all of the films, and was planned to make an appearance as a force ghost in The Force Awakens, but was removed in later versions of the story.
Please note that this table includes Special Edition changes such as Boba Fett in A New Hope or Ian McDiarmid replacing Clive Revill in The Empire Strikes Back. Also though David Prowse portrayed Darth Vader in the original trilogy, the character's voice was provided by James Earl Jones, and was replaced by Bob Anderson for the lightsaber duels in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi