RTFM is an initialism for the expression "read the fucking manual" or, in the context of the Unix computer operating system, "read the fucking man page". The RTFM comment is usually expressed when the speaker is irritated by another person's question or lack of knowledge. It refers to either that person's inability to read a technical manual, or to their perceived laziness in not doing so first, before asking the question.
In expurgated texts, substitutions such as "read the flaming manual", "read the fine manual" or "read the friendly manual" are used (or similar variants). Initialisms similar to RTFM include "STFW" ("search the fucking web"), "GIYF" ("Google is your friend") and "LMGTFY" ("let me Google that for you"). These indicate that the questioner could have easily found the answer to their question on the World Wide Web.
Many alternative expansions for "RTFM" exist, as do many similarly-themed alternative initialisms.
The initialism appeared in print in 1979 on the table of contents page of the LINPACK User's Guide in the form "R.T.F.M." -- Anonymous, suggesting that it was already well established. Cleve Moler has since revealed that a visit to Argonne National Laboratory by Tektronix software manager Ned Thanhouser (grandson of Edwin Thanhouser) during the development of MATLAB led to the anonymous quote.
Play the halls
See the stalls tonight
Open roads the like
Across the dateline change will never strike
Australia lies ahead
Australia, we head for the mainland
Clutching our gifts from the East
Only to find out
Planes and the highways
STrain the paths and the by-ways
Remain, still it's leading me
Closer to you
Australia, we're leaving you behind
Australia, we're taking the easy way out
From now on
"Come to," can't get away from ya still
"Come to, we'll take good care of ya."
Australia, you save your face while fashions slip
Australia, you're balanaced between
The powers' tightening grip
I've been to, it's a long way for ya still