A Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (Area of Special Scientific Interest or ASSI in Northern Ireland) is a conservation designation denoting a protected area in the United Kingdom. SSSIs are the basic building block of site-based nature conservation legislation and most other legal nature/geological conservation designations in Great Britain are based upon them, including national nature reserves, Ramsar sites, Special Protection Areas, and Special Areas of Conservation. The acronym "SSSI" is often pronounced "triple-S I".
Sites notified for their biological interest are known as Biological SSSIs, and those notified for geological or physiographic interest are Geological SSSIs. SSSIs may be divided into management units, with some SSSI areas including units that are noted for both biological and geological interest.
Biological SSSIs may be selected for various reasons, governed by published SSSI Selection Guidelines.
Yojumen biomyon johungor
Nadeshin urojunikka
Giphun bam chuogur dodumda
Hessare jamdurgon hajyo
Moge gollin gude irumur
Su obshi boruda
Hanbonchum dorabwa jurkayo
Baby say again, baby please say again
Yongso handago dorabwa jurgorago
Tell me where you are jebar nar tonajima
Hanbonman do nor nukirsu ige...
Su obnun narduri jinado (mm)
Sarangun momchwo igejyo
Aphumiran uimirur mollasso
Nunmullo shisodo
Mongduro goin danungor
Baby say again, baby please say again
Yongso handago dorabwa jurgorago
Tell me where you are jebar nar tonajima
Hanbonman do nor nukirsu ige...
Ibyor iran uimirur mollasso
Gasumur mirodo nunmurun namgyo dunungor...
Ooh yeah yeah yeah
Baby say again, baby please say again
Yongso handago dorabwa jurgorago
Tell me where you are jebar nar tonajima
Hanbonman do nor nukirsu ige...